Twenty-Nine: What Do I Feel?

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Younger Hermione

Last night, Harry screamed in agonizing pain, and he had to be taken to the hospital wing. Draco was worried, because they had been fast friends from the time they met, and were quickly becoming like brothers. He fell into a deep depression, and wouldn't speak beyond answering questions in class or casting spells. He tried to distract himself with Quidditch practices, particularly since they were gearing up to play Hufflepuff, but Hermione herself had more on her plate with taking extra classes.

Professor Flitwick was convinced that she could handle the extra work load, but a big part of her wondered if her Aunt ever felt so overwhelmed. She knew she couldn't exactly ask Uncle Severus, because they weren't close in her school days, nor could they be that way now, but she could pour herself into her studies, and that's what she was doing when it was announced that the first Hogsmeade trip was coming up, and all of the third years were excited.

She handed in her permission slip to Professor McGonagoll when she asked for them during Transfiguration class this morning, and dressed for the cooler weather in blue jeans, a brown sweater, and comfy Slytherin hoodie with Draco's Jersey number on the back. Her Ravenclaw friends didn't like that she was so partial to her foster brother's friends, but she no longer cared. Luna was the only one who didn't seem to care, because the rest of the girls like Cho Chang seemed to think that supporting another school House's Quidditch team was sacrilegious, or something along those lines.

"I know you wear it because you like Draco," She said, nibbling on a red licorice wand. "Have you like told him yet?"

Hermione blushed. "I...I'm still dealing with some personal stuff...stuff most people wouldn't get. We have kissed though."

Luna giggled, "Oh, how lovely. You are definitely inviting me to your wedding."

Hermione laughed. "Sure, whichever one of us that happens to first."

Uncle Severus strolled into The Three Broomsticks, and Luna caught my eye. "You know, if Professor Snape were our age, I could see you two being a wonderful couple."

Yep, you don't know the half of it, girl, particularly since I looked through all of my future self's pensieve memories, and I am sharing some of those crush feelings. Mmhm, it doesn't help that I know he works out every other day he's at home. "Sure, if I like emo guys with a Priest fetish," I joked. "I doubt his style has changed much from his teen days."

Luna looked flustered, swearing, "Oh, shit, he's coming this way."

Hermione smiled, knowing she was the only one Luna was comfortable swearing in front of. Hermione wished that she was going to be dealing with her supportive, often cool foster dad whose dark humor was hilarious when he showed it, but no, this was the intimidating Head of Slytherin House who was two steps removed from his deatheater past.

"Miss Rosier, Miss Lovegood," He greeted coolly.

"Good morning, Professor Snape," Luna greeted politely. "I do hope you check your head for nargles, they are floating about your head so, I can see it around your aura, sir. Also, Professor Lupin looks sad because he has been lacking much needed release for some time."

Snape rolled his eyes. "As...illuminating as that imagery is, Miss Lovegood, but Miss Rosier and I have a previous engagement to attend to. Perhaps, you can attend to that other problem."

Luna looked aghast at the suggestion. "Oh no, sir, I just couldn't do that! I heard Gryffindors have lice and mange problems."

His lip curled at that without actually smiling. "I cannot argue with that assessment. Come, let's away, Miss Rosier."

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