Five: Going Shopping Pt. 2

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Diagon Alley was much as I remembered it from my time, save that it was far more ordered than the hodge podge of stores that I saw lining the cobblestone streets, and the occasional street-side shop that sold odd trinkets that were technically considered illegal contraband to the Ministry. I knew that I had to find a job soon, despite my knowledge of the Ministry of Magic, but on this afternoon I was not overly worried. Harry and mini me looked at all of the sights of Diagon Alley with the awed expressions of youth, or tourists, the look is much the same, in my opinion.

I herded them to the white marble mausoleum looking building at the furthest end of the street, and ushered them inside. Harry tugged at my sleeve and asked, "Um, Aunt Hermione? What are those?"

I looked on all of the goblin tellers, and lowered my voice, "Those are goblins, Harry. They aren't particularly friendly creatures, but they are fantastic with arithmetic, which is why the Ministry employs them to handle the wizarding world's gold and silver standard in our currency."

"Oh. Are we here to get money?"

I smiled. "Yes, of course. I am certain that your parents already set you up with an account, and you as well, Hermione, but we need a goblin to access it. Also, we need to find out more about our magical heritage."

Younger me murmured, "I think my mum...our mum mentioned once or twice that she was a Rosier, but I can't be sure. Why? Is that name important?"

I swallowed down my shock, but it did make a certain amount of sense, because I always knew that my mother had ancient family roots in France, which is why we traveled there every summer holiday I wasn't lodging at the Weasley family home. But, my presence in this time line must have altered to the point where my mother was born a witch. I welcomed this bit of a change from being a muggleborn, but I also knew that Rosiers were traditionally Slytherins when they attended Hogwarts.

"Um, yes, it is, but you shouldn't worry, pumpkin," I answered. "I would love you just as much if you were a muggleborn."

Younger me hugged my waist, and I hugged her back. We found an available teller, and the goblin looked like the corpse of Benjamin Franklin poorly preserved, of course. His beady black eyes looked down on us, and he said dully, "Wand, please."

I handed over my wand, and he examined it, and his beady black eyes widened in astonishment before handing it back, his condescending attitude evaporating immediately. "How can I help you this fine day, Madame Rosier?"

Just go with it, Hermione. "My Niece Hermione wishes to withdraw some money for her school supplies from the family vault, and so does my foster son Harry Potter."

"And does Mr Potter have his key?"

I handed the key to the goblin. He examined it to make sure it wasn't a forgery, and nodded. "Excellent. Once Mr Potter acquires his wand, that will also be used as a form of identification. Does your Niece have her wand?"

Younger me piped up, "Yes, sir. It was my mother's."

"I would examine it."

Younger me handed it over, and he handed it back after examining it. "Yes, identical wand signatures, but also of the bloodline of Rosier."

"I would also like to request that Mr Potter's account be accessed only through blood seal," I amended. "My vault as well. I fear that certain dark persons may have tampered with them." I leaned in to whisper in the goblin's ear, "Albus Dumbledore in particular being one of them."

The goblin seemed to understand perfectly. "Very well. As you wish to adopt both children Madame Rosier, we shall withdraw the necessary funds, and I will transfer you to our curse breaker department, who also handles legacy documents for our clients convenience, naturally."

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