Fifteen: Impromptu Delivery

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I was working my shift when I felt the first instance of my labor beginning, and it was during when I was putting in the inventory for the new Divination books that had arrived earlier in the week. I felt a shifting in my belly, then a sharp pain, and then liquid began rushing down my thighs.

I stumbled in my mess, and Madame Villenelle looked astonished, "Oh my! Hermione, dear, are you alright?"

Another contraction hit me, and I bit back a scream. "N-No. I think...I think I'm in labor."

She felt my belly, and nodded. "Alright, let me get you to St. Mungos."

"I...I think I can walk."

"Don't be silly, you are in no fit state to walk."

Another three minutes passed, and another contraction hit me. "Okay, okay, just...just get me to the floo network."

"Will do."

She levitated me magically, and held me as we traveled to St Mungos. I told the healers who I was, and they checked me in, and I was rushed to the maternity ward where I struggled for six hours to bring my baby into the world. I was put on many restorative potions, and they made me groggy, but before I passed out, I felt a strong hand touch my own, and I knew no more for hours afterward....



The owl note from Hermione's employer was straight and to the point: Hermione is in labor, and it is going hard for her. Come immediately. He dismissed his latest class of fourth years, and paused only to shrug off his outer teaching robe in his personal quarters. He rushed to St Mungos, and had to inform the staff that he was the father of Madame Rosier's child. He was quickly signed in, and rushed to Room 78.

He held Hermione's hand as she passed out, and a bloody, lumpen form of a softly crying baby was taken out from between her splayed legs. The mediwitch cut the umbilical cord, and cleaned off a newborn a light blue blanket. "He certainly has your look," The mediwitch commented. "But I see a little of your lady's chin and nose there as well."

Hermione looked ashen and pale, much too pale as the team of healers cleaned her up magically. The head mediwitch looked through her chart, "It was a very rough labor for her, but this was clearly her first, so it's to be expected that it would be a rough go for her. She is tougher than she looks, most muggle women wouldn't have survived it, much less be able to have future children. She is a lucky one, so take care of her."

"I will certainly do that," He promised. "Now, can you please leave me with my family?"

"Yes, sir."

She shut the door on him, and he held his son. His son! Gods, he never thought he would be holding someone who belonged to him so completely. He kissed his son's soft little forehead, and wondered at how tiny he was. He rocked the baby, and idly played with his little feet and hands that already had tiny nails on them. His son opened his eyes, and they were black eyes, Prince eyes, and he lifted his tiny hand for his face. He let him touch his chin, and a deep current of magic flowed from his child to him.

"It's nice to meet you too, son," He said softly. "Meeting you was worth dismissing teaching spoiled magical brats how not to put bulbadox powder in their potion cauldrons."

The baby laughed, clapping his tiny hands. "Okay, I'm officially going crazy talking to a baby out loud."

Hermione moaned, and looked around the room, and then at them. "Are you two conspiring against me?" Her voice was weak and tired, but she was awake, that was all that mattered.

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