Sixty-Six: Professor Umbitch

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Leaving James with the house elves was one of the hardest things Harry ever had to do. Daphne was having a rough time of it as well, but then there was that vampire that showed up on Aunt Narcissa's arm. He had offered to train him to remove Riddle's influence over him at last, and what was even more weird was that Aunt Hermione seemed to think it was a good idea. Draco and Astoria were doing better, all things considered, and as the first years this time were sorted in, he saw that Hermione herself seemed to have a lot on her mind.

There was a very pink, fat witch with a toady looking face, a black bow that sat on top of her close cropped curly gray hair, sitting between Professor Snape and Professor Trelawney, the Divination teacher. The toady witch was wearing a smug, satisfied smile on her wide face, and as Professor McGonagoll took her seat, Professor Dumbledore walked to the golden horned owl pulpit.

"Now, that we are all settled in, and sorted. I have a new announcement to make regarding a change in staff this year. We have with us tonight a Ministry of Magic agent who has graciously agreed to help out with teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts classes and--"

"Hem hem," She cleared her throat, sounding very much like a frog. Without asking, she rose, and began speaking in a surprisingly high girlish voice that did little to endear anyone to her, "What a wonderful welcome you have given me, Headmaster Dumbledore. And, it is so heartening to see all of you children's bright and smiling faces looking upon me with glee, and eager to learn. I am certain that we shall all be great friends. It is true that the Ministry has sent me, because it is their view that if Hogwarts is to move boldly into the future, then we must all pave the way to progress. However, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged, and old practices that benefit no one must be pruned, and...eliminated. That being said, I look forward to working with each and every one of you as we work together to shape Hogwarts into the school it needs to be moving forward into the future."

She sat down, and there were a few polite claps, but the most enthusiastic ones came from Filch, who was standing by the doors, and he was looking longingly on the fat, toady witch.

Daphne rolled her eyes. "I think we need her about as much as a hole in the head."

Draco frowned. "My father is just as pissed that he wasn't considered for this post, believe me. It's just like Fudge to go over everyone's head to appoint his ugly ass mistress to spy on Dumbledore like this."

Astoria patted her betrothed's hands. "Draco, sweetheart, we don't know for certain why she is here. Mum said that we should all play the game and bring her down from within."

Harry chuckled. "True. My Aunt said that Umbridge won't help us with our OWLS, and she thinks she has a teacher in mind. Only, we would have to see him at night."

Draco rose an eyebrow. "Please tell me it's not Lupin. I know my Uncle outed his secret, but it's--"

"Your mum's boyfriend, actually."

Draco's eyes widened. "Oh. Him. Yeah, um, that would really send the pink toad over the edge, Potter. I can see the Weasels are getting stirred up at the Gryffindor table about her, but who said we can't gain the advantage by getting a v.a.m.p.i.r.e to help us pass our OWLS?"

Harry laughed, "Heck yeah, that's the spirit. I'm guessing your dad hates this guy."

The Great Hall was empyting at this point as they walked with the other Slytherins to the common room. "Well, he doesn't hate him per se, but he's not thrilled that a him, is boning his wife, you know what I mean? Besides, he's got Delacour, and he seems happy playing the suitor before they get it on. He could do worse."

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