Twenty: Will The Real Dark Lord, Please Stand Up?

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The Quidditch tryouts went really well, all things considered, and even Hermione came to cheer both him and Draco on. Harry was pretty sure she came mostly for Draco, but how was he to really know? Draco tried out for the role of Seeker, and Harry himself as a Chaser. The Slytherin team needed both spaces filled because they were replacing students that were graduating this year as seventh years. Harry didn't bother trying out last year, because he was getting a feel for everything Hogwarts, but after watching a few practice games he came to like the game itself.

He almost didn't want to follow in his arrogant, bullying father's footsteps, but it was a good excuse to network, and who knew what doors playing Quidditch would open up for him education-wise? The day before his try out, he popped off an owl letter to his Aunt/foster mum and she wrote back:


I'm actually happy that you will be able to have some distraction other than school work. Besides Ron, you, and the Patil twins, I had a non existent social life, due to my ambition to have perfect academic scores. I am certain that you will get on the team, and so will Draco, you two already fly quite naturally whenever we visit Malfoy Manor as you know, so I don't see an issue with it. Sebastian is doing well before you ask, already making his toys float about his nursery, and crying whenever the house elves touch him. I hope you are looking after your sister, Harry, and I hope you are drinking the Calming Draughts your Uncle formulates for you.

Much Love,



Harry frowned at the last line where she wrote 'Uncle.' Yes, he still had not come to terms with his Potions teacher dating his Aunt, and her acting like they were already married whenever Harry wrote to her, or vice versa. Younger Hermione told him to get over it, they are happy, and all that jazz, but Harry still found it weird, even though Tom found it amusing. Although, that didn't sound too encouraging since Tom Riddle's idea of amusement was skewed, and he hated that when he was in control that he found his humor the height of hilarity.

A week passed since the try outs, and Draco and Harry were overjoyed that they both made the team, and Draco insisted on wearing his new jersey to the dinner feast that night. Harry did too, and of course, the Gryffindors, particularly the Weasleys, who were still salty about their precious 'Ronnikins,' being killed by the snake, glared at them. Goyle and Crabbe became the new Beaters, and so the new Quidditch team made a space at the Slytherin table to discuss 'battle tactics.'

More students got petrified over the next few weeks, and Hermione suffered the same fate. Harry felt terrible, and even took to spending a lot of time keeping vigil over her. Pansy and the other girls worried as well, but being that they were Slytherins, they didn't wring their hands and cry openly like Gryffindors would.

Tom Riddle spoke up, and his voice was quiet as he confessed in Harry's mind, ("I didn't have Rosier and Granger killed for shits and giggles I will have you know; that bloodtraitor kept Hermione from me, even though she would never be able to open the Chamber of Secrets as you did, Harry.")

"My Aunt was a muggleborn though, how can that be?" Harry asked, keeping his voice barely below a whisper as he smoothed back his foster sister's wavy hair from her face.

("Time paradox. It happens when time is messed with," Tom answered. "Still, it does not change the fact that she is one of mine. I wanted her back, and I only found out about her magical signature because Dumbledore was so proud of her 'parent's' involvement in his Cult of the Fried Chicken.'")

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