Seventy-Three: Lupin's Remorse

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Listening to Angel's report about the deatheater meeting he attended disguised as Severus deeply disturbed me. Harry and I suspected that Albus Dumbledore might be corrupt, "dirty," in some way, but I had no idea that he was operating under the Imperius Curse, and that was partially why he did the messed up things that he did.

I sat on my couch, stunned into silence. "I...I don't know what to say, my Lord."

Angel chuckled, "It's okay, you can call me Angel, Hermione. I'm kind of your brother in law, after all."

I nodded. "Alright. I will grant you that, I suppose. How is Harry's Occlumency Lessons going?"

Angel shrugged his shoulders, sitting beside me. "Not well. He could put up the barriers, he has the capability, but I think someone needs to kill the Nosferans look alike to make that happen. I admit that Severus and I work him hard, but it has always frustrated me to see magical talent, and the student doesn't utilize it."

"Would you try it with me?"

"If you like. But you need to hold my hands."

I turned to face him, and held out my hands. He laced his fingers through mine, and stared into my eyes. I felt uncomfortable with how intimate this was, but he said seriously, "Ignore the intimacy of our conjoined hands. They serve as an anchor to the physical world. First, I will let you into my mind, and you will reciprocate so that you know what my presence feels like. After this, you will try to use whatever psychic defense you have to block me out. Do you understand?"

"Okay. But you're not using a wand."

"I do not need to. Just focus on my eyes."


I stared into his blue green eyes, and I felt tendrils of his power flow into me, and I focused on him as well. Angel nodded. "Good. I feel you in my mind. Show me a memory."

I focused on meeting Harry and Ron for the first time on the Hogwarts Express in my time, and how bossy I was towards them. I remembered the candy that they shared, me repairing Harry's signature round glasses, and being amazed by his lightning scar in the middle of his forehead. I focused on my excitement in seeing Hogwarts Castle for the first time, and then Angel pulled me into his mind.

I was in a circle of trees at night, and there was a tall, blonde elven lady wearing a midnight blue and silver gown with long dagged sleeves. She was pacing the circle, and she was very beautiful with piercing blue eyes, but she looked a lot like...Luna Lovegood if a master sculptor had created her. Past Angel wore a long black cloak, and seemed dressed as a medieval Lord in a black velvet cotehardie and he seemed just as upset as her. The lady fiddled with a ring on her ring finger, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Father knows about us," The lady said in a lilting language I knew because Angel spoke it. "He...He says that despite his allowance of you training at The Citadel, that he doesn't want his bloodline tainted by...well, what you are."

Past Angel scowled, "It would be very unwise of King Hadrian to go against us, dearest. My father has already given us his blessing. Is that not enough?"

She cupped his cheek in her hand. "It is to me, you know that, my love. But you know how my father is...I...I have to go, and--"

He silenced her with a kiss that took her breath away. "I will never stop fighting for us, Olivia. Even if it takes a thousand years, I will fight for you."

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