Fifty-Two: Wand Point Engagement

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Malfoy Manor was cold, and not because of any physical coolness in the air. No, it was the very frozen ambiance of magic in the very air around him, which meant that this would not be a very pleasant Christmas Day. For a day, Draco did not speak with his father; his mother tried to speak with him, but at a stern look from Lucius, she ceased. But then again, Draco had no wish to move beyond his bedroom. Hermione Rosier had broken up with him, and while she tried to do it in a way that wouldn't hurt his feelings, it still felt like a major kick in the balls.

He gave his first time to her, and he took hers from her as well. He knew that that was something his godfather would never have, but still, Hermione had not been thinking of him at all; all she wanted was to forget about Viktor Krum trying to violate her. He used his weight set to work out to muggle rock music, and it was after he washed up that a house elf popped in with an envelope written in Lucius's elegant looped cursive.

Present yourself in my study after dinner.

Wear a nice suit.

You will be dragged before me if you do not comply.

Obey me in this.

Tempus Fugit.

No terms of endearment, no expressions of love, or concern that he could possibly be withdrawing into his bedroom because the witch he loved did not want him back. Nope, this was going to be Governor Malfoy he was going to be dealing with, not the father who sometimes practiced magic with him for the sheer joy of having fun with his only child.

Draco dressed with care in one of his best black tailored suits, and made sure to smell nice. When he was done getting ready, and he felt like he looked sufficiently presentable, he went down to dinner. Astoria Greengrass was present with her stuffy parents, and more unruly twin sister who seemed just as put out about whatever was happening. Mrs Greengrass looked down her pinched parrot-like nose at Draco, and her husband, who looked like a gaunt version of the Monopoly money muggle on the board game, flashed Draco a look of grudging respect. He took comfort that at least Mr Greengrass didn't completely hate him, although no one could accuse the pureblood couple of any "generosity," that did not line their already fat pocketbooks first...


The four course dinner was a nearly silent, uncomfortable affair, and Astoria was nearly in tears every time her blue eyes met his across the cherry oak dinner table. Daphne mouthed, 'Better Astra than me.' Mrs Greengrass caught the exchange, and she slapped her hard across the face, "What did I tell you about speaking with him, you slut?"

Daphne rolled her eyes. "Relax, mum, haven't you heard my good fortune that the Boy Who Lived regularly dips his...big, thick

wand into my snatch, and I both swallow and milk it dry like the good witch that I am? You must be delighted I could at some point be carrying the next Fleamont Potter, Potions Master extraordinaire. Or...could I be carrying a Diggory? I dunno, they've both been inside me so often, it's hard to tell which of their crazy glue will take root in my baby oven first."

Both elder Greengrasses were horrified by Daphne's bluntness. "Do forgive my daughter, Mr and Mrs Malfoy. My daughter does forget herself most shamefully."

"It's quite alright, Justine," Mum commented. "Her speech is no more blunt than my sister Bellatrix's, although you really should have allowed Daphne's suitors to attend."

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