Twenty-Four: Last Mid-Term Meeting

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The last staff meeting before the Thanksgiving holiday was always dull, and even though almost all of the petrified students were revived, Lockhart insisted that he had no memory of finding the "snake," door, but that he had been crossdressing all day pretending to be Minerva McGonagoll.

Minerva rolled her eyes, clearing her throat. "Thank you, Gilderoy, for that graphic...and very unnecessary insight into your bedroom activities with Albus."

Sinestra snorted into her delicate brown hand. Sybil Trelawney continued to knit whatever it was she was knitting by hand, rather than using the charm for it. Celeste Vector, the Arithmancy Professor, rose her chubby olive toned hand.

"Yes, Celeste?" Minerva acknowledged her. "Do you have something to add?"

Celeste Vector was a petite Greek witch who was the only other Slytherin on staff besides himself, but whenever she wanted to proposition him, he had always come up with excuses that were lamer than his valid one now of being married.

Celeste flashed him a creepy thirsty look before addressing the staff, "I think I can speak for all of us that Pomona has done an exceptional job in reviving the students from this basilisk. But, what is to stop the attacks from happening again? I am concerned that any more attacks and the governors will insist on closing Hogwarts down, and forcing us all on the streets. What will our prospects be, should that happen?"

You could lie on your back and think of England, obviously. Severus rose a hand. Minerva looked surprised, "Yes, Severus?"

"I believe we should focus more on tightening school security than worry about the school shutting down," He remarked dryly. "I do not believe that the school governors, or the student's parents for that matter, could object to that extra measure of insurance."

Fillius Flitwick rose his tiny hand. "I agree with Severus here. I don't believe Hogwarts needs dementors to patrol the grounds, but perhaps more stringent protective enchantments would not be an unreasonable measure to implement."

Lockhart whined, "But the school won't be all pretty any more, and surely, that's like bad for everyone's complexion, except yours, my batty, dour boy. Sunlight would do wonders for you."

Severus kept his stoic composure. "Oh yes, because melanoma is the height of optimal health for you, Lockhart."

Dumbledore woke up from whatever daze he fell in, and spoke up, "Now, now, Gildy, do calm down and take your lithium, and go back to my office, that's a good boy." He spanked him on the way out the door.

No one commented on this, but everyone looked at their Headmaster like he had gone insane. "Yes, well, now that that's settled, I shall have to hire a new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher for the new school year, since Lockhart proved mentally incompetent. I don't know how his mental state got this way, but he has his uses for me, I suppose. You are all dismissed for the Thanksgiving holiday. This meeting is adjourned."

Severus fixed himself a second cup of coffee, knowing Minerva would confront him. "When were you going to tell me about your ring? I wasn't aware you and Miss Rosier were getting so serious."

He idly glanced at his white gold wedding band. "Well, it was a mere formality because of our son, but beyond that, yes, I do care deeply for my wife."

Minerva favored him with a faint smile, and then looked sad. "I am glad at least one of us is happy. With Albus..." She shook her head, "Who knows what is going on with him these days?"

"That I cannot say myself."

"I am happy for you, Severus, I mean that."

"Thank you, Minerva. Happy Thanksgiving."

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