Forty-One: Hello, Mother

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Younger Hermione

The letter that Hermione received was written in the same Unspeakable code that she was taught her last summer holiday. Still, it was strange, because she knew that her future self had a baby, but this was a wizard that claimed that this was an adult. The letter read:


My father Severus Snape put me into contact with you regarding your mission. I know of your difficulty in locating the latest horcrux, namely the lost diadem of Ravenclaw. Well, I have dark magic detectors that are specialized in locating such objects, for as you know, magic tends to leave traces, whether the magic is light or dark. I have every confidence that you and I can find it. But, I also have a selfish reason, and that is that I wish to see you, as your future son. I am looking forward to seeing you on your first Hogsmeade trip.




Hermione blushed at that. For some reason, just being reminded that she would grow that close to Professor Snape in the future always seemed to make her blush. Yep, that doesn't help matters much that in private, he he actually treats you like a human being. She folded the note and put it in het left skirt pocket. She decided to dress casually, and not make a big fuss, but she did take care of her hair and makeup, though, and was satisfied in her outfit selection; she would look no more remarkable than any of her classmates in jeans, casual tops, and sneakers, save that she wore comfortable dragon hide boots on her feet. She made a show of socializing with her friends, and she felt lousy for ditching them, but of course, she needed to do that in order to see her future son.

She managed to lose them as they headed into Honeydukes to shop for candy, and grabbed a seat in one of the booths in the Three Broomsticks. Madam Rosmerta took her order, and she ordered lunch for herself, because she was hungry. She was cutting into her Shepherd's Pie when a cloaked wizard sat across from her, and when he lowered his hood, he took off a sort of voice replicator device from his mouth, and put it in one of his pockets on his uniform.

Hermione couldn't stop herself from staring at him. He was clearly handsome, but there was a hardness in his obsidian eyes that she did not like at all. He kept his face cleanshaven, like Professor Snape did, and he wore his black hair in a similar way to his shoulders. She looked closer, and she could see touches of her in his chin, ears, nose, and lips, but everything else he inherited from his father.

He was studying her as well just as intently, and she realized with a start that he was just as nervous to be meeting her as she was of him. He folded his gloved hands on the table, his posture that of an auror, or dark wizard.


She blanched at that. "H-Hello, Sebastian. Sorry, you one could look at you and not mistake you for who your father is."

Sebastian smiled, and if she didn't know who he was to her, she would be charmed by him. Good gracious, is this what Severus Snape looked like when he actually smiled? It had to be.

"Thanks. He wrote to me of your struggles in obtaining the object of which we spoke of at great length."

"Yes. Are you hungry?"


Madam Rosmerta came upstairs to check on them, and Sebastian turned on his natural charisma, and Madam Rosmerta simpered like a lovestruck girl as she offered to get him anything he wanted, and she did mean, anything. He ordered butterbeer, and food of his own, and he sent the older witch on her way. She soon brought him what he ordered, and he paid for everything.

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