Fifty: Make Me Forget

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Younger Hermione

The drinks began flowing like water, and the young Ravenclaw witch was already feeling the effects of the potent liquor surging through her system. The ball began getting more frenzied, and her date was getting progressively more inebriated with every cup of punch, which Hermione strongly suspected was spiked with alcohol.

She suddenly felt bold and amorous in a way she only was when she occasionally 'flicked the bean,' at night, as the more experienced girls called it; it felt nice, and she did make quite a mess every time she reached her peak, but she longed for the real thing. Once, she asked one of the older Ravenclaws in the common room what sex actually felt like, and she said that after the first time it felt amazing. Hermione knew what happened in the bedroom, she had watched the one drunken night she had with Uncle Severus in the pensieve in his home Potions lab in Grimmauld Place, and had seen....every salacious detail. All of his personal thoughts, every little detail, but she wanted that experience herself with a wizard...with any guy, really.

She would be sixteen next September, it was time for her to start growing up for goodness sakes. She began looking at Viktor differently throughout the evening, and the more she drank, the more handsome and charming he seemed.

The ball was coming to a close, and the last dance was happening. By this point, she could barely stand up, but she was still able bodied enough, in her mind, any way, to dance with her date. They danced that close huggy dance couples do, and hardly anyone was around, the adults, and most of the students, and only the band, and a few couples were in the Great Hall.

"I want to get out of here," She whispered in his ear. "People might stare at us if we start making out here."

Viktor chuckled, "Sure thing, Princess. I'm all for it, let's go."

They found part of the wall in the corridor leading to the Great Hall to make out. Viktor began kissing her passionately, but something was wrong, his hands felt all wrong, and she was beginning to sober up a bit. She realized that she didn't want this here, and now, and so she began pushing against her date.

He only got angry just as he was about to unbuckle his pants. "Aw, come on Princess, you know you want it. You've been itching to ride my cock all night."

He roughly began ripping at her dress, and trying to hitch her leg around him so he could thrust his member inside her that much easier. "No...No, please. Viktor...I...I can't do this. Not like this."

She began crying, but that wouldn't move him, not this time. "Just shut up, bitch! You will do it whether you want to or not!"

Something snapped in Hermione then. She began screaming as Viktor freed his cock from his pants and tried to shove it inside her. She didn't know who pulled Viktor off of her, but she fell, and her face connected with the stone floor, and she knew no more for a while....



Draco heard Hermione's screams as he made it a point to keep an eye on her. Pansy made a big fuss about his 'codependent attitude,' towards Hermione Rosier, and so left the ball in a jealous huff. He had been watching Viktor get progressively more and more drunk, and he did not drink himself, because he promised his godfather that he would keep an eye on her for him.

Viktor had Hermione pinned up against the wall about one second from taking her against the wall, but something was very wrong. She was screaming for him to stop. Something in Draco Malfoy snapped, and he saw red as he pulled the Bulgarian Seeker off of her with a strength he didn't know that he had. Viktor tried to fight him, but he was too drunk, too unfocused to take on a fully sober wizard. Draco began punching Viktor in the face over and over again. The red filled his eyes, and all he could see was that this arrogant prick had the audacity to lay hands on the witch he loved.

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