Sixty-Two: Laying Cedric To Rest

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Traveling to the small, but modern cabin on the Diggory property felt refreshing to Harry. His Aunt Hermione wanted to accompany him, but Daphne convinced her otherwise. Sebastian even hugged him goodbye, and Harry was impressed by how smart the kid sounded already. Mr Diggory insisted on Harry traveling with James, but it was a tough sell to get Fleur Delacour to come with them. They tried to explain that Fleur wasn't deliberately snubbing him, but he wasn't having it.

They arrived via a good old fashioned muggle taxi. Well, a couple of them, and not all of the drivers were so understanding of James sometimes crying, and Daphne needing to breastfeed or change him while they traveled. The journey was long and quite uncomfortable, but once Harry was away from Hogwarts, he felt instantly better, better than he had felt in four months, really. Daphne helped him through his nearly constant nightmares of Wormtail killing his boyfriend in front of him, and not being able to do a damn thing to help him, and he felt much, much better with having her and their baby son with them.

The driver stopped in front of a rather beautiful modern cabin, and Harry paid the muggle what he was owed. After Harry got out their bags, including the baby bag for James, Mr Diggory was waiting for them on the front wrap around porch.

Mr Diggory greeted them politely, but was much kinder to James. "...Well, he's definitely your boy, Mr Potter. Come on in, and grab some chili. I've got a room for the little tyke."

Daphne summoned Winky, and Mr Diggory looked like he disapproved of house elves in general. Harry watched Daphne and James go upstairs with Winky, and so he was left alone with Amos Diggory.

"It's still a shame that French girl won't come see the homesite, considering she's carrying my grandchild," Diggory grumbled. "You dating her too, is that how she ended up with my boy's kid?"

Harry shook his head. "No, it was a one time thing. But, these things happen, I guess."

"It's called bloody irresponsibility," Mr Diggory grumbled.

Daphne came downstairs without James, adjusting her sweater and bra, indicating that she just fed him. "Well, Winky and I just got Jim to sleep, so that's a plus. Dobby will be by later on to keep her out of the liquor cabinet. She's taken to drinking more since her master Mr Crouch was killed."

"That's good. Settle in, Mr Diggory has chili ready," Harry announced. Daphne gave him a kiss on the cheek before sitting next to him.

They all settled in to eat, and it was a somewhat uneasy ambiance, because Mr Diggory didn't trust them all the way. They talked about the good times with Cedric, heavily censored, because of how charged their three way relationship was.

When they were done talking, Mr Diggory looked sad as he said, "I'm glad my boy died bravely at least. Although, I'm surprised You Know Who tortured Pettigrew for your sake, Harry. You could've easily joined him, and no one would've thought it odd, being that you're in his school House."

"I'm a Slytherin as well, Mr Diggory," Daphne added, sopping up the last of her chili with her buttered bread. "Both me and my twin sister. I'm rather proud that Harry is the first Potter in his entire family history to be sorted as a Slytherin, actually. Not all of us are evil."

Mr Diggory eyed Daphne with a cursory, disapproving look. "I didn't say all of you snakes are. I'm just saying that it wouldn't have been unusual if Harry joined the deatheaters the night my son was killed so callously."

Daphne finished up her bread, wiped up her hands, and held Harry's hand under the table. Harry kissed her cheek. "I didn't join Riddle that night, because I have something he can never give me: true love, and hope. Love is the one thing Voldemort can never truly understand, and while I understand why he killed my parents, Cedric was innocent. He put himself in harm's way because he loved me. I'm sorry that you don't want to accept that your son was bisexual, but I did love your son deeply."

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