Twenty-Two: Date Night Pt. 2

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We attacked our clothes as soon as we were in my bedroom, and we spoke not a word as we made deep, passionate love. I knew part of the reason was the long abstinence because I was recovering from having a baby, and the other part was the necessity of consummating the marriage enchantment as soon as possible, and the other was our deep, abiding love for one another.

In the back of my mind, I was grateful for my mindfulness of going back on wizarding birthcontrol, because I wasn't quite ready for another pregnancy so soon, but all of that was shoved to the back as I just revelled in being with the wizard of my dreams. Our kisses were just as intense as what our lower halves were doing, and it became hard to distinguish where my body and his began. I ran my hands up and down his broad back at times, and moved with him as he spread my legs high and close around him as he thrust as deep as he could inside of me, and we stared into each other's eyes as we lost ourselves to our orgasms every time.

The last one, Severus kissed my forehead tenderly, and I cupped his face in my hand, and shook my head. He nodded, balancing himself on his elbows to not crush me with his weight.

"I am sorry for ending our date so unceremoniously," He apologized. "I had planned to do this in a fine hotel, candles, roses, everything, but--"

I kissed him softly. "It's fine. I prefer this. I missed just...being with you. Although, I think it is fair to say that you are stuck with me for good now. And you called me insufferable."

He laughed, slowly withdrawing out of me. My body protested the loss of him inside me, but he made up for it by holding me close in his arms. "I did call you that, did I not? Have I made up for that particular jape?"

I winked. "Obviously. How can I be insufferable now when you've been balls deep inside me for most of the night?"

"I suppose I cannot call you that now."

"You can call our kids that."

He rose an eyebrow. "Were we planning on having more?"

I smiled. "Would next year be good for trying? I wanted to wait at least a year to get Bastian off my breast before another one took his place. I'm not in a big rush either way, so long as you are on board with more."

Severus brushed his thumb across my kiss swollen lips. "We will have as many as you wish, my love. I mean that. Do you regret the traditional ceremony?"

I shook my head no. "No. We can always do a vow renewal later. What matters more is that we are wed, if not for our love, but because of our son."

He agreed, yawning, "I agree. But for now, let's get some sleep before the House elves disturb us with more baby needs."

I yawned, snuggling into him. "Mmm, I like that idea. Good night, darling."

"Good night...Madame Prince."

I barely heard what he said, but when the marriage license arrived the next morning for us to sign, then I understood that I would have a choice of surname...and so would he, at long last...



He got up before Hermione, and checked on Sebastian. Sebastian was curled up with his snake toy, and sleeping peacefully, his little chest rising and falling. At a year old, he had grown quite a bit, and he almost envied that his son wouldn't be looked at like a gargoyle when he grew old enough to attend school. He kissed his forehead, and went to the kitchen where the team of house elves were already up and about cleaning, and cooking breakfast.

Smocky noticed him first, and presented a cup of coffee to him. "Oh, good morning, Master Severus. Where is the Mistress?"

"Still abed," He replied. "Where is the mail?"

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