Fifty-Seven: The Funeral

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The weather turned just as gloomy as everyone was feeling for the funeral. Not even Sebastian acted up as he walked beside me and Severus, and all he asked as I dressed him in his little black suit was, "Is this for sissy?"

I finished tying his silver tie, and pinned it in place. "Yes, yes, it is. She...Do you know the other Hermione is me, son?"

He nodded his head vigorously. "Yes, mummy. She littler mummy, you bigger mummy. Big bro Bastian is big me. I'm me. Why is sissy not here?"

I picked him up, and put him on my hip. "Well, little mummy had a fall down some big steps, and she fell out of her tummy, and the healers couldn't save her. Uncle Draco wants her to sleep by his relatives, so that one day when he is old and gray, hopefully, he can sleep by her and look after her. All these people are here to say goodbye to her. Does that make sense?"

Sebastian smiled. "Yes, mummy. But Cassie wouldn't you to be sad, daddy either."

I kissed his cheek. "I know, honey, but it is sad when babies go to their big sleep before their time, but Dori won't have to go through that, and soon you won't be alone in the nursery any more."

Sebastian kissed my cheek. "I know. I love you, mummy. Dori too, but he's in mummy's belly and moving around."

Severus stepped into the doorway, and looked dashing in a more formal version of his everyday teaching frock coat. He smiled for Sebastian's benefit. "And how is my little Prince this morning?"

"Daddy!" Sebastian greeted happily. "Both mummy's are sad cause' little mummy took a tumble, and sissy came out of her belly before her time. I wanna hug daddy, mummy."

I transferred Bastian to Severus, and Severus made goofy faces to make Bastian laugh before he said, "Can you be a good little Prince for your mum and I? This is a solemn occasion for your half sister."

Sebastian nodded. "Yes, but daddy, Cassie wouldn't us to be sad. I just know it."

Severus tousled his son's hair. "I know, but it is expected for the guests. Now, I'm going to set you down. Behave for your mum, and you can have some ice cream if they have it."

"Yay! Ice cream!"

Severus set down Bastian, and he took my hand. "Mummy, I'm gonna be a good boy."

"Yes, you will," I encouraged. "Now, come along, we have boring, snobby guests to greet. Just don't tell them that's what mummy and daddy think of them, alright?"

"Yes, mummy."

"Good, let's go."

We went to the parlor where guests were already signing the guest book, and Severus and I played our roles, but I had to give up the spotlight to my younger self, who was grieving for her child.

Sirius Black showed up with Angela Parkinson on his arm, and Remus Lupin showed up with Nymphadora Tonks, which wasn't strange to me, because they had married privately in my own time as well, and died during the Battle of Hogwarts. How long had they been dating again? Not even I knew the last time, because it came like a bolt out of the blue where they seemed like strangers, and then all of a sudden they were all over each other like long time lovers.

Pansy had Blaise Zabini on his arm, and she seemed embarrassed by her mother "dating," Sirius all of a sudden. I felt bad that there were no other children for Bastian to be around, but to his credit, he behaved very well. Harry joined me at the refreshment table, and he looked to where Cedric was sitting with Daphne as she cried into his shoulder.

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