Fifty-Nine: Riddle Reborn

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The Tri-Wizard Cup tumbled out of Harry and Cedric's hands as the port key sent them to their destination. Cedric looked around, helping Harry up before taking out his wand. Harry did the same, and Harry realized with a dread in the pit of his stomach that this was the cemetery he had been dreaming of all year. In the distance, a decrepit mansion stood on a high hill, and graves of long dead muggles, and possibly magical people, stood up like billboards on a dark highway. They were miles from Hogwarts, and his scar began hurting him all of a sudden.

"Fuck...We have to get out of," Harry winced in pain, clutching his forehead as one will when they have a migraine.

"What's wrong? Is it your scar?"

"' can't be."

Cedric got in front of him, holding out his wand. A dark hooded figure stepped out of the shadows walking with a slight limp to his left leg. The figure carried a pile of what looked like blankets, and it set the pile aside on the ground.

The figure lowered its hood, and it was...Peter Pettigrew, or Wormtail. "You! You filthy murderous traitor!" Harry shouted. "You deserve to be rotting in Azkaban."

Wormtail giggled. "Ah. Maybe so, Harry, maybe so. Who's this handsome lad?"

"None of your concern, asshole. Send us back to Hogwarts. Now," Harry snarled.

Wormtail smirked. "Yeah...I can't do that, dear boy. You see, you are needed, but this straggler we have no use for. Stand aside, stow away."

Cedric stood firm, wand raised. "If you want Harry, you will have to go through me."

Wormtail giggled his squeaking laugh, "Awww, how...cute. I'm not judgin' I'm gay too, although your daddy didn't see me like that. The joke's on him now! But I'm stalling, and my Master won't like that. I'm a fair Gryffindor though, let's duel for it, what do ya say, badger boy?"

Cedric rolled his eyes. "Fine by me. Let's do this."

"Cedric, no!"

"He's not getting to you. Let me do this."

"Okay...I love you."

"I love you too."

Wormtail and Cedric circled each other, and they dueled, but despite how sleazy Pettigrew looked, he was the more lethal dueler, and Wormtail caught Cedric in a moment of vulnerability, and cast the killing curse before he could defend against it.

Harry tried to go to Cedric, but Wormtail cast incarerous on him, and he was pulled to a grim reaper statue. The statue held him tighter than a lover, and not gently either. His wand dropped on the grass, and Wormtail picked up his dirty blankets, and dropped in...a small misshapen baby it looked like to Harry's eyes into a huge bubbling cauldron.

A femur bone was levitated into the cauldron, and Wormtail intoned, "From the bones of the father, unwillingly taken."

Wormtail took out a silver knife, and cut deep into Harry's left thigh. "From the blood of the enemy, forcibly taken." He let the drops of Harry's blood drop off of the knife. Then he took his own wand and said, "From the limb of the loyal servant, willing sacrificed."

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