Forty-Three: Dark Treasure Hunt

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Two months after the pensieve memories were shared in dad's Potions lab in Hogwarts, the day of the first Tri-Wizard Tournament task arrived. By default, dad couldn't accompany them on their quest, because his absence would be commented upon as a teacher. However, Remus Lupin arrived and explained to Sirius Black that arriving out of the blue on school grounds was a recipe for disaster. Sirius stewed in his resentment of not being directly involved, and hated that Rose was left at Grimmauld Place to keep an eye on him.

Lupin looked better dressed, but no less shabby with his face scar, and shaggy sandy brown hair. Sebastian watched his future mum say something to Draco Malfoy, and Draco sneaked a kiss in there before leaving. His protective instinct as her son made him want to punch the boy's teeth down his throat, but the Unspeakable side of him knew that it sure would look strange if she were in any way affectionate towards Professor Snape, so he kept himself in check.

Hermione wore casual fall clothing, and he hugged her briefly before Remus Lupin arrived. Lupin took out the map he made with his friends and put his wand to it, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "What were you like twelve or something when you workshopped that particular incantation?"

Lupin scowled. "And is snarkiness an inherited trait, or am I just supremely lucky to be graced by it?"

"Guys, stop," Hermione ordered. "Let's just focus on our mission. Professor...sorry, Remus, you know where the Room of Requirement is, so would you mind showing us where it is?"

"Sure. It's not that simple, though, because it's called the Come and Go Room for a reason," Lupin explained. "We have to demonstrate that our need is great enough to have need of it. Does that make sense?"

"Not to me, but then, I don't speak lion."

"Bastian, enough."

"Yes, mum. I'm sorry. It's hard to forgive bullies when it involves dad," Sebastian found himself apologizing.

Lupin looked on the Marauders Map, and gave the directions. Finally, they came to a deserted corridor that was close to the Astronomy tower, in truth. They paced back and forth in front of the wall, projecting their need to get inside. They must have been at it for quite a while, because the school began getting noisy as people returned, and Draco broke off from his friend group to approach them.

"What's Lupin doing here, Min'?"

Hermione explained some of what was going on, and Draco decided, "I'm coming with you."

"Draco, it's not necessary, I--"

He cut her off with a brief, searing kiss. "I know you've got some deep bond thing with my godfather, but I like you, Hermione. Please, let me come with you. Slytherins protect those they truly care about, and I care about you."

Hermione blushed. "Okay. You're in."

Sebastian nodded. "Are you sure you want to do this, cousin?"

Draco smirked. "Sure do. I can't let you have all the fun with my girl here. Now, let's get inside and get this thing."

Just as he said that, an elaborate medieval door appeared, and Sebastian took out two silver balls that looked like those Chinese relaxing balls that chime like bells when they touch. He activated them by blowing on them, and they flew off of his hands, and into the air once they made their way inside the Room of Requirement...


Younger Hermione

The place was a maze of dusty objects that likely had not seen the light of day in decades. Sebastian's dark magic detectors found several objects, but nothing that screamed 'horcrux,' to any of them, nor did they appear to be any sort of tiara or diadem whatsoever.

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