Forty-Six: A Candid Talk

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Younger Hermione

The rumors around school began circulating that Harry Potter was somehow involved in a bizarre three way relationship with Cedric Diggory and Daphne Greengrass. But even though Hermione tried to focus on school work, the fact remained that while Harry was finding success in whatever he termed as love, her own love life was falling apart. Why? Well, it all stemmed from the fact that after the destruction of the diadem horcrux, and Professor Snape hugged her, Draco began hanging out with Pansy Parkinson more.

Astoria was disturbed by what her twin sister was doing, and confided in her about it during the dinner the night before the second task. "I just can't understand Daph any more, Hermione. I get it, he's like the Chosen One, and stuff, but with the Hufflepuff champion too? Really??"

Hermione watched Draco stroll in with Pansy on his arm, and Viktor Krum glancing her way. Astoria caught the look, and a wicked gleam flashed in her blue eyes. "Maybe you should make Draco jealous. Krum clearly likes you, and the Yule Ball is all anyone can talk about these days. Why don't you make a show of dating Krum so that Draco will bound to ditch Pansy for you."

Viktor looked at the Ravenclaw table again, and she smiled shyly at him. He smiled back, and admittedly, he did look more charming when he a certain Potions Master that was too old for her...yet. All in good time, her mind added.

Astoria snapped her dainty fingers in front of her face. "Hello, Earth to Hermione Rosier! I asked you if you were going to go for it or not: pursue Viktor or not."

Pansy was giggling at something Draco said, but he clearly wasn't into her, and so was focused more on what Blaise and Cassius was saying, speaking in Quidditch talk that she couldn't understand even if she tried.

"I think I will," Hermione decided. "Wish me luck?"

Astoria chuckled, "Girl, you don't need it, he's clearly into you. Just go over there and freaking talk to him, you dork."

"What about you?"

Astoria eyed Adrien Pucey, "I've got my eye on Adrien. Go, make your man jealous."

Hermione knew it was petty, but wasn't Draco doing the same thing? Trying to pursue another witch just to see that her hug with Uncle Severus meant nothing to him? Yes, yes, he was. Her decision made, she straightened her uniform, and strolled over to the Slytherin table where the other Durmstrang boys sat conversing in Russian and other Eastern European languages.

She sat next to Viktor, and he greeted, "Hello. I was wondering if you wanted to sit by me or not."

"My friend bet me to come over here."

Viktor grinned. "Ah. I'll buy it. Let's go talk somewhere else." He lapsed into Bulgarian with his friends, and they looked her over, and said something that sounded suggestive. Viktor rolled his eyes, and replied in what sounded like a witty comeback.

Hermione walked with him to the Black Lake where the big galleon Durmstrang ship was at anchor, and looking like something out of a pirate story.

"I'm sorry about my friends," He apologized. "They um...they kind of know I...well, like you, and were ribbing me about using protection."

Hermione blushed. "Oh! I...Yeah, um...I guess it's a good thing they didn't say that in French since it's the only other language I know besides English."

They looked at the ship for a bit before she mentioned it, "Soo, do you travel to your school in this like we do with the Hogwarts Express train?"

Viktor took off his cloak, and sat on it. He offered his hand so she could sit next to him, which she did. "Da..Yes, and it's sometimes a rough trip on the sea, and under it. Non majick's call it a...submarine, I guess is the word? But, I kind of like Hogwarts, it's a bigger castle than Durmstrang's but less....formidable. My family wouldn't like it if I transferred here though, too far away."

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