Three: Going Shopping

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The next morning was a flurry of activity as the kids were in good spirits, excited to be seeing Diagon Alley at last. I didn't like that my parents couldn't go with me last time, and had to be shown everything by Professor McGonagoll, but she was a very interesting tour guide by all accounts. Kreacher still grumbled about being made to serve half bloods, and Walburga Black's portrait had to be silenced yet again, but he did not shirk in his duties I would give him that.

Breakfast was a grand affair of pancakes, eggs, toast, and coffee for me, and orange juice for Harry and mini me. "Are you kids ready to go?" I asked as we finished eating.

"Yes!" Younger me piped up, "Can we please get ice cream at Fortresques? Please?? My mum always let me get some when we had to shop there."

"We will see."

"Aunt Hermione," Harry put in, "I...People won't really hound me, will they?" He touched his lightning scar, suddenly self conscious, "Hermione told me that I'm like all famous and stuff cause' my parents are dead. I mean, hers are too, but...why would these skull people care about her too if You Know Who is after me?"

I looked at my watch, and decided to tell them part of the truth, "I don't know how much is going to change if both of you know what I know, but..." I looked at them both seriously, and took a deep breath and let it out, "The most important thing you two need to know about me is that I am you, Hermione...from the future..."


Younger Hermione

The bushy haired witch looked at the elegantly dressed older witch who decided to save her from dying in her burning childhood home, really looked at her, and her brown eyes widened. She saw her features as if accelerated through time, and the result was jarring to say the least!

"Oh...Holy Cricket!" Hermione exclaimed. "H-How old are you, if you', me?"

"I had just turned 42 the year I am from--"

"2021," Hermione calculated. "Wow. Umm..." She blushed, "Did, get married?"

Aunt Hermione looked at her engagement ring, and nodded, sad, "Yes, I did, and he turned out to not be a good husband. I wear it to remind myself to never lower myself for a wizard who would force me to compromise on my passions, and be treated as less than who I am as a woman."

Both kids were confused by that, but then Harry seemed to understand. "Did...He hit you like my cousin Dudley or Uncle Vernon would sometimes?"

Aunt Hermione looked torn, but then sighed heavily, "Not an excessive amount of times, but it was mostly mental abuse. Do you understand what I mean by that, Harry?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah. Will we ever meet him?"

Aunt Hermione said, "Yes, he goes to Hogwarts in your year, but please don't do anything reckless, you two. His name was Ronald Weasley, and while he wasn't a bad boy deep down, he was a very insecure one, and he was always jealous of anyone who had more than him, and would gravitate towards anyone famous to boost his own self esteem. I want you both to steer clear of him. He has red hair, blue eyes, freckles, and will be wearing hand me down robes. Not all of the Weasleys are bad, though: There is Bill, his oldest brother who no longer goes to Hogwarts, Ginny, their only sister, George and Fred are pranksters and are in detention more than classes, and it's a miracle they passed their OWLS or Ordinary Wizarding Level tests in fifth year.

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