Eleven: Formulating The Plan

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Three weeks of Poppy Pomfrey fussing and clucking over him like a mother hen, and several wiggenweld potions later the dour Potions Master felt as right as rain as expected. He missed Hermione, he missed her presence, her sweet Jasmine scent that was all her underneath her favorite perfume, which happened to be honeysuckle, and mixed well with her natural scent. Lying in his hospital bed, he could do nothing but think of her, and even though the extra sleep felt welcome to him, he preferred seeing his witch, and the curve of her gradually swelling stomach, the evidence of their love shown clearly underneath her clothes...


One Month Earlier....

"You are certain it is mine?" He asked calmly, lying next to her in bed after a rather spirited two hours of lovemaking in the master bedroom of Grimmauld Place. "I simply thought you were gaining weight, and if that was merely the case, I would have to start wearing a blindfold when we fuck."

Hermione laughed, idly stroking his chest. "Wow, you're a shallow asshole. I'll steal that line if that ever happens to you, by the way. No, I just found out today that I didn't have some bizarre flu, because Pepper Up potion was doing nothing to alleviate the symptoms. I even had them run a blood legacy potion, and your name came up."

"Do you have the potion with you?"

"Yes, in my purse."

He got out of bed, and threw his black bathrobe over his shoulders, and tied it. She pouted, "Aww, you're no fun, my Prince. I was enjoying the view of your ass."

He grinned. "I'll bet. Now, get up, I confess to want to see you, and the proof that we both were irresponsible."

She got out of bed, and even with her stomach slightly curved, it was enough evidence to see that the very first night they were together they conceived a child. Still, he was not a man to believe things by word of mouth alone, he needed tangible proof. Hermione padded to her purse, and summoned the potion vial. She shrugged into her white silk robe, and followed him to his potions lab in the basement. He took the potion vial, and poured it into the cauldron, and Hermione pricked her finger with one of his silver knives. The blood fell in with a sizzling hiss, and the red potion glowed before smoke drifted up, and began to write her name as the mother, and then his name. He waited, but nothing else happened to indicate that Lucius or any other wizard fathered this child. The potion went cold, and the smoke dissipated.

He turned to her, and reverently touched her stomach. His...His child...Their child...growing inside Hermione's womb. He fell to his knees, and pressed his face against her stomach as he kissed it softly, feeling tears threaten to fill his eyes, he felt so humbled.

She ran her fingers through his hair, and said nothing for a long time. "Are you angry with me? I know this changes things between us."

He looked up at her, and felt such love that he didn't think was possible. It was a perfect, pure happy moment in time, and he savored it. "I have never felt less angry in all my life," He confessed, his voice hoarse with emotion. "You...I never wanted, or dreamed how I would feel, knowing that I am going to be a f-father."

Hermione smiled, tearing up as well. "I would not want this with any other wizard. It's just...we kind of went about this pretty quickly, but that's my silly self not keeping up to date on my birth control, I guess, and the time travel thing."

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