Sixty-Four: One Hot Hookup

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Two months after Lucius decided to explain that he was leaving Narcissa for a slip of a girl, she buried herself in her charity causes. Mostly, she did them as a way to focus her talents of organization, and to fund causes that she believed in, but this particular charity ball involved raising awareness for the need for the Ministry of Magic to not treat vampires and veelas as mere beasts. Many vampires made their appearance from all of the clans, and most of them were all so beautiful in an intense, predatory way. The only really haggard looking clan were the Nosferans, gangly, impossibly thin people with little to no hair, rat-like fangs, and red to colorless eyes where they appeared blind, but were anything but. Dracanes were the dark haired vampires among them, but could have any hair color, and were beautiful to look upon for the most part, and looked the most European. Romani's looked more Roman to Mediterranean in appearance, although Narcissa had read that they could be dark skinned as well. However, the Vehemens were more violent, and had red eyes when feeding, hungry with the thirst, or lusting. She knew there were other clans around the world, but these were the premiere ones, and most turned vampires owed their loyalty to one clan for life usually.

Normally, the clans wouldn't be able to step one foot into a room without an international incident on their hands, but as Narcissa and her charity were told, this ball was taking place on Creation Eve, so no clan was to attack one another due to the sacred observation of the anniversary of when vampires and werewolves first came into being thousands of years ago.

Narcissa chose to wear a lovely crimson red off the shoulder gown with a full ball gown skirt. The sleeves were long, but fitted, and ended with the ends of the sleeves covering half her hands. She left her hair down, and wore a simple diamond earring and necklace set from some muggle diamond designer called Harry Winston, whoever he was. The ball took place in the London art museum, and was in a very elegant marble room that had the decadent feel of a Greek sanctuary of the gods. She tucked her wand on a garter on her right thigh, and felt better about having some kind of protection, rather than be completely defenseless.

She handled some charity business, and mingled with some of her pureblood friends. The ball was also a masquerade one, which added an element of mystery she didn't quite enjoy since she knew that she was in a room with dangerous, beautiful predators. Despite outward appearances, Narcissa was shaken by Lucius's decision to set her aside for a younger witch.

She sat at the bar, and ordered a Cosmo. A man with long black hair sat beside her, and ordered a blood wine. When the bartender brought it, he glanced at her bridal set.

"Trouble in paradise?" He asked, his accent an Americanized Eastern European one she couldn't quite place.

Narcissa daintily sipped her drink, leaving a lipstick stain on the edge as she set it back down on the bar. "Pardon?"

"Your rings," The man clarified. "I asked if there was trouble in paradise, since you are not here accompanied by your husband."

Narcissa looked at him. He wore an expensive black suit that reminded her of what Severus Snape wore when teaching, but he wore two rather sharp daggers attached to his belt, as well as two guns that she had no clue why he needed firearms when he was a vampire. He wore a black lace mask over a very handsome, angular face with sensuous lips, a slightly hooked nose, and the most gorgeous aquamarine eyes she had ever seen in her life.

He studied her as well, and she felt oddly exposed by his gaze. "I...Yes, he found his veela mate, and I didn't factor into this, so he will probably ask me for a divorce in the near future."

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