Thirty-Three: Meet Mrs Snape

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Sirius threw on a robe over his pajama pants, and went downstairs where the lady of the house was reading The Daily Prophet. She was frowning over it, and he could see the diamond bridal set she was wearing. She saw he was in the room, and saluted him with her coffee mug.

"Good morning."

"Morning. Soo, what's up with the news?"

"This ridiculous notion of the Ministry in reinstating the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and then rigging the competition so that only Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and Hogwarts was chosen," She explained, scowling. "If it wasn't necessary for my Niece and foster son to attend Hogwarts, I would send them abroad to Ilivermorny or Beauxbatons. Besides, Slytherin has treated Harry very well all things considered."

Sirius winced at the mention of her words 'foster son.' "I would like to know how that came about, you taking care of Harry Potter."

She sipped her coffee, and delicately cut into her scrambled eggs. She ate for a bit before answering, "That is a loaded question, and the answer is quite complex. But first, I would know of your loyalty to Albus Dumbledore."

Sirius wondered where the witch was going with this. "Um, he was good to me during school, I guess? I mean, he kept moving the Potters to each location so He Who Must Not Be Named couldn't find them. Why do you ask?"

"Because he is undeserving of any shred of loyalty, as my husband would know," She rolled her eyes. "Dumbledore even swore to his face that he would hide the Potters, but yet you somehow convinced that lying sack of shit Pettigrew to switch the duty of secret keeper at the last minute with you, and he squealed like the rat he is to the Dark Lord. How like Albus to Lord over anyone he claims to care for to sacrifice their very lives on the altar of his self righteous greater good. But don't get me wrong, I was as deluded as any Gryffindor, and believed that he truly was fighting on the side of good, when in reality he was continuing his lover's ambition of training the next generation to be his mindless cultists."

Sirius was frowning, "I don't like where you're going with this. What does this have to do with Harry?"

"He dropped off Harry on Petunia Dursley's doorstep, and they abused him mentally and physically. He claimed that the blood ties Lily had with her childhood home were the strongest there but--"

"It would be at the Godric's Hollow cottage."

"Yes, exactly."

"And your Niece?"

"She...She is harder to explain since...well, she is actually me. My time turner brought me back to 1991," The witch explained, her expression grave. "I am from the year 2021. I had just turned 42, and I had meant to only flip the rings back an hour to prevent Dolohov and his goons from trying to assassinate me in the Ministry of Magic courtroom, because I was the Minister of Magic. Seeing a photo of me with my friends will make it clearer for you, I think."

She flicked her vine covered wand, and a purple beaded bag that had seen a lot of use flew into her hands. She produced a brown leather photo album, and he opened it. They were all pictures of her with Harry, with the Weasley family...him, Remus, his cousin Dora Tonks, and a lot of the album had momentos from her years as a Hogwarts student...the last time."

He stared at this witch in shock, because the girl in the picture matched the ones on the fireplace mantle, only she was a Ravenclaw this time around, and Harry had been a Gryffindor in her time, and yet was sorted as a Slytherin this time around. She rolled up the sleeve of her gray pajama top on her right arm, and faint scar with the words Mud Blood were carved there.

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