Seventy-Six: Movie Night

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Younger Hermione

She paid for the tickets to go see First Knight, and Severus rolled his eyes at that. "Are you sure you don't want to watch something with more...bite to it?"

Hermione laughed, "Um, no, I think since I paid for the tickets, a little Arthurian romance isn't going to cramp your emo style."

"Fine. Do you eat anything during the movie? I...I confess that I never went on this sort of date before," He admitted.

Hermione eyed the concession stand. "Yep, we're getting popcorn, two cokes, and I have to have my Reeses pieces with it."

"Popcorn and chocolate covered peanut butter?"

"Just go with it."

"If you insist."

Hermione laughed. "Something wrong?"

"You, so formal. You're supposed to be sixteen here," She explained. "You could be more touchy feely. Look at the teens here."

Severus frowned. "I'm not touching your ass in public. I have better manners than that."

"Oh, alright. But at least touch me more."

He wrapped an arm around her waist, and kissed her temple. "Does that suffice?"

Hermione briefly brushed her lips against his, smiling. "Mmhm. We should sit in the back, for obvious reasons."

He rose an eyebrow, and winked. "Ah. Well, let's hurry through this line so we can do just that."

The line moved at a slow pace, but when it was their turn, Hermione ordered, and Severus paid. They found a spot in the back, and he cast a disillusionment spell around them. "Show off. Just because I'm a year from having The Trace taken off of me, you have to go and disillusion us. Um, could you cast a silencing charm as well."

"Of course." He did so, and soon the previews and then the movie popped up. Severus rolled his eyes, "...Merlin's beard, and I thought our age gap was sizeable. Arthur is ancient compared to Gueneviere."

Hermione opened up her Reeses Pieces and put them into the popcorn bowl. "My dad got me hooked on this. Try it, it's really good."

He did, and washed it down with his coke. "It tastes adequate."

The movie progressed on, and she held his hand at various moments, but during the big kiss scene, Hermione felt Severus guide her face to look at him, and their eyes met. His eyes held a silent question, and she nodded.

Hermione set down the popcorn on the floor below them, and Severus slowly pressed his lips to hers. Hermione closed her eyes, and opened her mouth further, letting her tongue meet his as his hands dove into her hair. She moaned into his mouth as he deepened the kiss, turning it into something passionate and primal as he too breathed heavily, one of his hands lightly stroking her throat as his lips moved down her neck to her lips again.


"We should...we should stop..."

"Oh. I'm sorry." She felt like cold water was splashed on her. He kissed her forehead softly, caressing her cheek. "I didn't mean to anger you."

Severus shook his head. "I'm not angry, Hermione. It's...sometimes when I'm with you, I forget myself and forget that we have to wait."

Hermione understood, and hated that it had to be so. She wasn't a virgin, she even miscarried a baby for goodness sakes. She knew that it would be amazing between them, she could already tell. She just hated that it wasn't just the school rules keeping them apart.

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