Thirty-Five: Keeping The Dogs In Line

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Knockturn Alley...some things about the wizarding world never change, and this was one place. While Diagon Alley was a constantly shifting place of commerce and economic growth, Knockturn Alley had always been a haven for outsiders, and as such, it appeared seedy, and gritty on the surface. Dark witches and wizards, and other magical creatures less desirable, frequented the bars and whorehouses that dotted the blighted landscape.

Sebastian followed Sirius Black after leaving Grimmauld Place, and he had business with keeping both the animagus dog, and his werewolf friend from charging in like Gallahad to save Harry Potter from himself. His superior Master Frenken, a disgusting lout of a wizard, but a mudblood in every sense of the word, simply because he was an arrogant tool, demanded that he not interfere with Diggory's death. He never used the M word, save for loutish, deplorable wizards like Frenken, of course, and Frenken knew that he hated him, which was why he threatened to confiscate his time turner if he "interfered," again.

Well, he defected before anyone else could come after him to ask more questions. Sirius was dressed like the pureblood wizard he was, so where he got the cash to get such an outfit he had no idea, and he wasn't exactly hiding his tracks. Lupin was also following Sebastian, and after going down Nightshade Avenue, he cast Petrificus Totalus on the werewolf, and shoved him up against a brick wall.

"You might want to think twice about following me," Sebastian warned. "But I will ask you once the reason."

The charm wore off, and the raggedy wizard slumped against the filthy brick wall. "Black is my best friend. I have business with him. Why are you following him? You don't seem like his type."

Sebastian smirked, underneath his voice modulator. "Nor would he be if I had such an predilection." He produced his business card with his name on it.

Lupin read it, and his eyes went wide. "Wait...I know you Unspeakables are time travellers, but you're Severus Snape's son?! No one has gone by the name of Prince for years. It's not even listed on the Sacred 28 list, because of their dealings with the last Dark Lord."

Sebastian decided then and there not to wipe the werewolf's memories then and there. "Yes, he is my father, and I am a defector, you might say, from the Ministry of my timeline. I volunteered for this guardian mission to ensure that my parents live."

"Who is your mum?"

"Hermione Rosier."

Lupin's brown eyes went as wide as saucers. "She's way too young for him."

"Years down the road," Sebastian corrected. "Of all the things my father has done, robbing the cradle isn't one of them. Now, let's go follow your friend, if you can be of help in not blabbing your mouth to Dumbledore."

Lupin narrowed his eyes. "Fine. But if you hurt my friend, I'm hexing you personally."

"Fair enough."

It took a bit to pick up Black's trail, but Sebastian soon found him in The Manticore Cave, one of the many bars in Knockturn Alley. The place was seedy, dirty, but a few prostitutes were about, and Sebastian located the madam, who turned out to be a witch with a left lazy eye, and appraised him as one would a deatheater since he was covered up. She wore a shapeless stained dress that barely covered her sagging breasts.

"What you two want? A girl? A boy?"

"Information," Sebastian remarked. "A Black was spotted recently entering your establishment. Did he partake of any of your wares? I would be most grateful for your assistance."

"How grateful?"

He slapped down enough galleons for three witches for the night. The madam bit the gold coins, and nodded, satisfied that the gold was real. "He's in my best room. But you nonspeakeses surely can get laid on the job, right? I've got a witch recently flowered, blonde, very pretty. What about your friend?"

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