Forty-Seven: Paging Seer Lovegood

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Younger Hermione

The water felt frozen to the touch as Viktor helped her up on to the deck. Millicent Bulstrode came forward to give her her towel, and she warned, "Watch your p's and q's, Skeeter is on the warpath lately."

The slightly overweight witch pointed to the audience stands where a skinny witch wearing a lime green business suit, and ugly matching cat's eye glasses was using a Quick Quotes quill to write down every detail according to her point of view, that is. Skeeter had a sort of curly twenties bob that would look cute on a witch whose face wasn't perpetually pinched. Her Aunt, or future self, warned her about Rita Skeeter, so she knew full well that Skeeter was an illegal animagus, whose animal familiar was a beetle, which was an odd choice, because it should have been a mosquito to fit with her surname better. Until now, she was able to avoid her scrutiny, but as one of the 'treasures,' she was, of course, under her pinched scrutiny.

Harry arrived later, because Fleur Delacour got caught by the grindylows and so she wasn't able to save her younger sister Gabrielle in time. Cedric saved Daphne Greengrass, and Harry had to double back, and save the little girl, and Fleur as well. Hermione quickly found Harry, and hugged him, not caring who was watching.

Cameras went off, and Skeeter exclaimed, "Ooo! Young love. How...stirring. Ah, Miss Rosier, is it? Just how long have you and Mr Potter been courting?"

Viktor stepped in, "My girlfriend is not taking any questions from you, Madam. Now, buzz off."

Skeeter smirked, her cherry red lips pursed tightly, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. "Certainly. I've got all I wanted for now. Rest assured, Miss Rosier, Mr Potter, I will get to the bottom of the truth, no matter how salacious. If you play your cards right, you three might just make the front page of the Prophet. Now, won't that be fun?"

Professor Snape appeared behind Hermione. "Do we have a problem here? Were you not told specifically to not engage with the Champions while the task was being performed, Miss Skeeter?"

Skeeter flashed him disgusting bedroom eyes, "Oh, no problems here, Sev honey boo. A shame you are not available. We could have fun you and I."

"Seeing you being devoured by a dragon right now would constitute fun for me, personally," Snape remarked. "Do leave my Niece in peace. Now."

Skeeter pouted. "Fine. Such a shame you turned into such a bore, Severus. But do read my article, I am sure you and all my rabid readers will find it most...illuminating. Toodles!"

She walked away, and he asked Hermione, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, thank you, Professor."

"I'm fine too, thanks for asking," Harry reminded Snape of his presence. "Whatever, I'm going to go talk to my girlfriend and boyfriend now. Nice talk, Uncle."

Snape nodded to Hermione, and she nodded back. Viktor hugged her. "Okay, I wasn't aware he was dating them both."

Hermione sighed, "I kind of did, but Harry doesn't like his favoritism, I suppose. It's a long, complex history involving his own school year, and Harry's dad and friends, that is too much to get into."

Viktor rolled his eyes. "He'll get over it, eventually. Come on, let's go get some of that hot beer stuff you Brits like."

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