Sixty-Eight: Nighttime DADA Class

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Younger Hermione

The Room of Requirement was designed in the style of a medieval ballroom, but with ample space for a bedroom in one corner. Angel stood in the center of the room wearing black pants of some kind, a tight long sleeved black shirt, and he was armed as he was last time. His long black hair was tied back, and he looked on all of the students with that same intense stare that looked through a person rather than at them.

"Welcome to your true Dark Arts class. I am Angel, and for this class, I simply want to evaluate your potential to be mages. This will not disqualify you from my class, but you will not progress further in your magical dependence on wands." He mentally moved a chalkboard nearer to him, and wrote on the board the names of mage Orders that none of them knew about by hand in a flowing cursive script, "Now, these mage Orders I have listed on the board are the ones that all mages eventually choose to gravitate towards as their main focus of study, and later enter formally. But, high elves in particular, train from an early age to be versed in all of them. There are the Knights, who deal only in combat mage lore, the next one is the Healers, who focus on potions and herb lore, and devote their lives to the keeping of complete balance of the Earth's magical life force. The next one is the Sensanas, whose main focus is the business of pleasure in all its forms, and believe that sexual relations are sacred, and mages should share their powers only in this manner, but especially during certain phases of the moon.

"The last one is the Assassin Order, and they are similar to Knights in that they must be proficient in combat mage lore, and be physically fit, while also knowing how to be stealthy and cunning, and to kill your targets efficiently without dirtying ones hands. There is a sub Order in the Assassin Order and those are Veil Agents. They are dangerous because they are unknowns even to those who hire them to track and kill those who placed the hit on them. They are also the most expendable, and understand this once they graduate to erasing their very identity to be what they call the perfect mage Assassin. You might call them the zealots of the group, overall.

"I am not suggesting any of you join these Orders, but I want you to be aware of them. I am only here to show you combat mage lore, and whatever passes for wand user curriculum to pass your exams. Now, any questions before we begin?"

Hermione rose her hand. "What Order are you in?"

Angel nodded. "Assassin. As you all might imagine, my vampire senses are useful in taking down the criminal element in vampire society."

There were other questions fired, but then a tall, dark haired lanky Slytherin student stepped forward. "Suppose you were looking to recruit for your Order, would any of us qualify?"

Angel smirked knowingly, "If that was your desire, yes, and your powers were sufficient, then I would train you further. I wouldn't dream of going against one's free will. How about you come forward first to be tested?"

He did, and Angel instructed, "Now then, I want you to draw upon the magical energies around you: the stones of the castle walls, the Black Lake, the very ebb and flow of the magic used to keep this castle invisible to the mortal world around us. I want you to manifest this into an object that all of us can see, and sense."

The Slytherin student nodded, and he closed his eyes for a bit before rubbing his hands together, and then separating them to form fire, heat, warmth. He elongated his hands, and it formed a short sword. He then extinguished the flow of magic, and felt out of breath as he did it.

Angel was smiling. "Well done. You drew from your passionate side, hence the color red. Next."

Other students were called up, but only a handful could do what Angel was asking them to do, because it was hard, and tiring, far more than anything magical they likely had ever done before. Pansy Parkinson briefly did it and made a red heart in the palm of her hands. Draco made a blue frosty crescent moon, Luna made an emerald hippogriff shape that flowed into different colors like purple, blue, and green again as it flew from one hand to another, and Angel stared at her most intently. She blushed and stared back at him, clearly flustered by him like a lot of the girls were.

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