Thirty-Six: Switching Alliances

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Sirius Black looked at his revealed face with shock on his face. "Wait...So you're telling me, that the baby in the you?"

Lupin sighed in exasperation, "Yes, but that's not important, Sirius. What's important is when this auror and Snape Jr come from?"

They were in the modern living room, and Sebastian walked to the fireplace mantle. He took down a picture of his mother, and her friends. "There. The girl in the picture is mum. The glasses wearing boy is Harry Potter, and the redhead is Ronald Weasley and--"

"He is dead in this time," His mother said behind him. His father stood beside her, and he scowled at seeing the two Marauders in the house, but rose an eyebrow upon seeing Rose Mayfair by his side. "My gods...Bastian, is it really you?"

He nodded. "Yes. I'm sorry that I modified your memories last time, I didn't think I was going to be allowed to come back."

"Typical," Rose remarked. "Shame you didn't use that skill on yourself when it came to Dorian and me at your graduation party."

Dad cleared his throat, "Can I ask what the auror is referring to?"

Sebastian felt like throttling her. "Nice going, Rose. She's talking about Dorian, my younger brother that hasn't been born yet. Long story short, when I graduated from Luteins, my friends threw a party to celebrate. Someone suggested that everyone play Truth or Dare, and the dare was to kiss whoever it was in the room in the dark. She ended up kissing Dorian."

"Exactly, it was a stupid Dare, and I thought it was you," She spat back, angrily wiping at a tear that had streaked down her face, "But oh, that wasn't good enough for Potions Prince Sebastian, now wasn't it? No, you just cut and run, and joined up with the Unspeakables after His Dark Highness united the world's Ministries of Magic under one banner, save for MACUSA, we don't tolerate that kind of tyrannical shit where I'm from..."



Severus watched his adult son interact with his ex girlfriend, mildly intrigued. "Why don't you two explain why you are in this time, starting with you. Rose, was it?"

The blonde nodded. "Sure. I was sent here under orders to arrest Mr Black on suspicion of murdering Lord Potter. MACUSA isn't sure who exactly cast the killing curse on him, and I would be right along with the Resistance, but I have a job like Bastian does in ensuring Potter doesn't come to power. My name is Rosanna Mayfair, a pureblood listed under the Sacred 13, according to American archives. Every pureblood in America has ties to magical people who have died under such trials as the Salem Witch Trials, and to the founding of Ilivermorny, so it's a big deal to be a part of that, same as being a Malfoy or a Black is in Europe, I would expect."

Mum piped up, "Okay, so how do we stop Harry Potter from being influenced more by Voldemort?"

"Killing him is not an option," Sirius put in. "I swore to his parents that I would protect him as his godfather."

"But if he gets dangerous, Sirius, what then?" Lupin asked. "I taught Harry, I even taught your younger self, Hermione, but say he becomes evil, are we just going to let him live because he's a boy now?"

"Certain things must stand," Mum declared. "From my horcrux hunt in my time, there was the diary, the Gaunt family locket, the ring, chalice of Helga Hufflepuff, the diadem of Ravenclaw, Nagini the snake, and Harry himself. Dumbledore destroyed the diary, and you got a hold of the cup, ring, and chalice, I remember now. The diadem Harry found in the Room of Requirement last time, and Voldemort doesn't turn his pet snake into a horcrux until this year, so he has to do that, and form his new body."

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