Eight: An Entertaining Journey

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Young Hermione

The (not so), bushy haired witch pushed her train trolley beside her new foster brother Harry feeling nervous about getting on to Platform 9 3/4. There was a loud ginger haired witch complaining about muggles, and her Aunt rolled her eyes at that, and decided to get them all coffee and treats at the local Barnie's before moving back to where the train portal was.

Hermione noticed the ginger haired boy with his rather shabbily dressed, slightly overweight mother, and younger sister. "Was that Mrs Weasley and her kids? The ones you warned us about?" Harry asked.

Aunt Hermione nodded. "Yes. I won't say the Weasleys are evil, far from it, but they are firmly in Dumbledore's pocket, so I wouldn't advise befriending them, even if you two get sorted into Gryffindor."

Harry agreed. "Yeah, cause' like Ron was mean to you later on. Don't worry, I'll avoid him like the plague, Aunt Min.'"

Aunt Hermione smiled, eating her spinach wrap. They ate breakfast as well, and carried their coffees with them. There was a very good looking blonde family that arrived looking like movie stars, and her Aunt made a bee line to the very handsome wizard and his pretty wife.

Hermione watched as her Aunt greeted the parents in French, and the husband greeted her eagerly, and then switched to English for Harry's benefit, and hers, since he assumed she couldn't speak French. She didn't understand why they talked about the House sorting so much, but that was essentially what the adults talked about.

"...And this must be your Niece," The man said, his French accent more subtle, but still there in the way he said certain letters like A's or O's.

Aunt Hermione smiled, "Yes, this is Hermione Granger, my Niece. Why we were given the same first name is beyond me. Harry Potter, you know by reputation alone, I assume Mr Malfoy."

His gray eyes looked over Harry intently, and he smiled knowingly, "Yes, of course. You must tell me how you acquired custody of him from his distasteful relations. Such a pity Fleamont and Euphemia Potter could not have met their grandson, they were quite upstanding purebloods."

Aunt Hermione smirked, "Naturally. I am delighted to meet you as well, Madame Malfoy. Your contributions to the benefit of displaced battered witches is an inspiration to us all."

The pretty blonde witch smiled politely, "Oh, I need no pious sentiments there, dear. We witches must all strive to better our sister's lots in life, especially when their so called significant other treats them appallingly."

Aunt Hermione nodded, "Yes, I quite agree. And, I trust this is your son?"

Madame Malfoy smiled. "Yes, this is Draco. Draco, dear, come meet your school mates, Miss Hermione Granger, and Mr Harry Potter."

Hermione looked on this handsome boy, and almost couldn't move, he was just so...so dazzlingly beautiful. "I...It's nice to meet you, Draco."

Draco stared at her as well, and blushed. "Um...yeah...it's nice to meet you too. You're a Rosier on your mum's side, right?"

She grinned. "Yes."

Draco smiled back. "Good. I don't care that you're not all the way pure. My godfather is a halfblood, and he's like the coolest wizard around. Father says he's the Head of Slytherin House, and that's like where the best families like ours go. Stick with me, Granger and Potter, and I'll get you in with all the best families, what do you say?"

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