Fifty-Eight: The Final Task

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After the whole sadness of Hermione losing her baby girl Cassie, and all that that entailed, Harry was more than ready to go back to Hogwarts. Draco and Astoria were still struggling in their forced engagement, and Hermione herself seemed to confide in her girlfriends, and Snape more. Cedric was a comfort to him as well, because Daphne decided to spend time with James more and complete her homework via owl post. Cedric was still struggling with his sexuality, due to his dad acting weird whenever they so much as held hands in his presence. The one time Mr Diggory caught them kissing and making out on the porch swing at his house, he raised holy hell. Cedric mumbled out a feeble apology to his dad, while Harry carefully took his hand out of Cedric's pajama trousers while he was stroking his dick. Of course, Cedric had his hand on his dick too, but hey, that was beside the point.

"I'm sorry he's like this, baby," Cedric apologized. "You know, as intimidating as Professor Snape is in school, him and your Aunt never say a damn thing about us making out save to cast silencing charms not to wake up their baby. The other Hufflepuffs will think I'm crazy, but he's actually kind"

Harry laughed. "Yeah, I know right? You would think the way he dresses like some medieval Priest at school he would dump us both in holy water for our sinful ways."

Cedric laughed, "True. What do you say we finish this upstairs quietly, dad looked ready to slap us or something."

Harry clapped his boyfriend on the shoulder, and they did, indeed, cast silencing charms and had a wonderful time making tender love. They pretended to act like mere friends to appeal to Mr Diggory, and he seemed to mellow out a bit when he dropped them off at King's Cross Station to catch the Hogwarts Express on time. Once on the train, they made no effort to hide that they were dating, because none of the students cared, due to some of them being in identical relationships....


The Night Of The Third Task....

Fleur Delacour and Cedric looked at the hedge maze created out of the Quidditch field, and were nervous. Hell, Harry was nervous himself, because even though he knew that underneath all of this hedge growth was the Quidditch field, this labyrinth freaked him out. Something was going to happen tonight, something very bad.

The spectators were gathered, the reporters were all there in droves, and all Harry could think about was that something bad was going to happen tonight. Dumbledore approached the three of them after giving his public announcements, and who was leading in the Tournament. Cedric was in first, Harry second, and Fleur third place. Over the summer, Mr Crouch was murdered somehow, and Hogwarts was still reeling over the aftereffects of Viktor Krum being disqualified due to his attempted rape of Hermione at the Yule Ball.

Dumbledore pulled everyone into a huddle, and he said quietly, "Now, in the maze, you will find no dragons or creatures of the deep to challenge you. However, what you will face is far more dangerous: yourself. Oh, find the Cup if you can, but be warned not to lose yourself along the way. Now, good luck..."


Harry pulled Cedric aside to where the crowd couldn't see them. "What's wrong, baby?" He asked.

"I just...I have a bad feeling about this, my love," Harry confessed. "What if...What if one or both of us don't make it? I'm scared for Daphne, for our son."

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