Twelve: Jewel Heist

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During Transfiguration class, the Head of Gryffindor House assigned Harry Potter and Hermione Granger detention. When they arrived, she looked up from grading papers, and said, "You're not really in trouble. In fact, how would you kids feel up to going on an adventure?"

Hermione looked to Harry, and he asked, "Is it dangerous?"

"Very. But you won't be going, Miss Granger," She explained, and then went on to explain what she could of the love bond that still existed within Harry Potter.

"Okay, I'll like stay behind and study, or whatever," Hermione decided.

Minerva chuckled, "Alright, but do not leave the classroom. Understood?"

"Yes," She replied.

Minerva unstoppered the bottle of polyjuice potion Severus gave her earlier, and Hermione gave her some of her hair. She put it in, and swallowed the foul tasting potion. She felt herself grow shorter, and more Harry Potter's height. She transfigured her now over sized teacher's robes to Hermione's Ravenclaw uniform.

"There," She said, sounding like the girl she was imitating, "Let's go...Harry. We haven't a moment to lose..."



He thought it was weird to be accompanying a teacher in disguise, but on the other hand, this seemed like a lot of fun. McGonagoll lit the way with her wand, and they found themselves in the third floor corridor. She unlocked the door, and behind it was a huge three headed Rottweiler. A harp played in the background, no doubt set up by someone else in order to get inside wherever they were going.

"Please stop staring at the hellhound, Harry," The fake Hermione admonished in a quasi adult, bossy Hermione voice, "And help me with this. He could wake up at any time."

Harry swallowed back his fear. "Y-Yeah, okay, I can do that."

It took more effort from the both of them than they knew to move the huge paw over, and fake Hermione unlocked the trap door just as the dog woke up. The dog began barking, and just as it snapped at them, McGonagoll grabbed him, and they jumped into the hole into...weeds of some kind. The weeds were slimy and began crushing them.

Fake Hermione scowled, "Pomona's trap, lovely. Stop struggling, Potter! This is Devil's Snare, if you struggle more they will crush your bones faster."

"What do we do...Minerva?"

She managed to grab her wand, and warned, "Shield your eyes, they hate sunlight."

Harry nodded, and closed his eyes. "Lumos Solem!"

The vines released them, and she cast, "Arresto Momentum!"

Their movement was slowed down, and they touched on to solid ground once more. The dungeons were dark, and they both had to light up their wands to see. She wouldn't know how to get through the key room, she was never a Seeker, but the potion riddle room seemed easy enough, right? She got lost a few times, and had to retrace her steps before finding the correct door. The door opened easily enough, and they found themselves inside her trap: her transfigured chess set so that it was giant size.

"W--What do we do now?" Harry asked, his voice small.

The fake Hermione smirked, stepping into the spot of the white Queen. "Why, we play Chess, Potter. All we have to do to progress further is to check the King."

Harry marshalled his courage, and climbed up on to one of the Knight pieces on the black side. They played, and while Harry was decent at the game, she was better, and she moved her pieces in to check the King. The next door opened, and Harry smiled at her.

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