Thirteen: Nursing To Health

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I was called in after the whole Philosopher's Stone debacle, and took the Knight Bus to Hogsmeade, which was not a good idea in retrospect, because the driver was much too old to drive. I met with Minerva and my younger self, and Severus was already watching over Harry and administering some wiggenweld potions. He embraced me, and I kissed his cheek. Mini Me made a face of girlish disgust, but she smiled.

Harry was sleeping peacefully, and I sat down in the visitors chair, patting my swelling belly lightly before sitting. I took his hand in mine, and kissed it.

"How is he?" I asked.

"He seems to be healing up as well as can be expected," Minerva put in. "I owled you because I knew you would want to see for yourself."

I nodded. "Yes, thank you, Minerva. I assume that the Dark Lord was dealt with?"

She sighed. "Yes. When Harry and I arrived, Quirrell was already there, but the Stone was switched out, and Flamel has the real one. So, I doubt he will try to go after it again."

"He won't," I agreed. "This time, he will use the basilisk to kill muggleborns the way he did fifty years ago when the Chamber of Secrets was reopened. But I need Gryffindor's sword this time. I won't have innocent children caught up in this debacle again. My...Nephew and Niece deserve to continue their education in peace."

Minerva scowled, "That sword is a priceless magical artifact Miss Rosier. I hardly think you should just be allowed to have it."

Severus sighed in exasperation, "Did Miss Rosier ask for it permanently, Minerva? I believe in this instance that we should follow her prudence."

McGonagoll debated whether or not to obey, but then she relented, "Very well. But I need to ask why you need it."

I narrowed my eyes. "I won't give you my reason in front of my Niece."

"Why can't I know, Aunt Mione'?" My younger self asked. "It's not dangerous to the baby is it?"

"I would hope not, pumpkin," I reassured her. "But you have to understand that I do these things to keep you and your brother safe, and all of the children in this school. But if you are worried so much about it, Professor Snape can deal with it."

Severus smirked, "Your devotion touches the patsy deeply, truly it does. I was worried that I wasn't going to be placed in harm's way for a second there."

I chuckled, "Mmhm. It involves stabbing a book to pieces, and a shade of a dark wizard. No big deal to a mighty former deatheater like yourself, right?"

Hermione hugged me, and I hugged her back. "Oh, get a room you two. Oh, that's right you did, and now I'll have a baby to look after in time."

McGonagoll looked shocked as she led her away, but when she was gone, Severus and I broke down laughing. "You know, she gets that humor from you," I remarked.

He held out his hand, and I took it. He held me, and kissed me softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and smiled up at him. "It is nice to see you both," He laid a hand on my occupied belly, rubbing it gently. "But, I hardly think my humor is a bad thing. You seem to think it is one of my better traits."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I didn't appreciate it when I was younger, but now I do. Do you have time to sneak away after we are done here? We have had precious little time to ourselves."

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