Twenty-Seven: Grim Announcements

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Younger Hermione

The heavens opened up, and rained hard on everyone as they trudged up the slick stone steps to the castle. The students who knew how to cast moisture deflection charms did so, and those who did not, well, they were soaked to the bone by the time they made it inside the castle. Hermione greeted her Ravenclaw friends, and Luna told her all about her summer holiday in Ireland, even though Hermione had offered to bring her along to Italy when she went to Tuscany when she visited the Zabini's at their winery and olive fields there alongside the Malfoy's and her family. But, of course, Mr Lovegood had a strange fear of Slytherins, and so Luna wasn't allowed to go with her.

The Weasley gang, like all of the Gryffindors, eyed them all with childish hatred, and Hermione loved spiting them by hugging her Slytherin friends, including Pansy and her clique, before she had to go sit with the rest of Ravenclaw House. Harry got pulled along to sit with his Quidditch cronies, and Hermione wanted to sit with Draco so badly, but of course, the rules of school House assigned seating was enforced more on the first day of school than at any other time, so it was impossible. The other teachers sat at the long high table, and she noticed that raggedy wizard R.J. Lupin seated by Professor Sprout as far away from her foster father as possible.

What was he going to be teaching? She wondered. Clearly, it wasn't how to be a better dresser, because if that was the case, Uncle Lucius had him beat. Heck, even Uncle Severus dressed better, even when he wasn't wearing his trademark black Priest-like teaching robes. Professor McGonagoll marched the few first years that were going to be the new school class after hers, and they went timidly to their seats. Only two of the ten students who were joining the student population became Ravenclaws.

Once that was done, Dumbledore walked to the golden owl pulpit and said in a ponderous voice, "Welcome new first years, and welcome to our returning students for the new school term. I have a few start of term announcements to get through before explaining why all of you were searched upon your arrival on the grounds tonight. First off, our caretaker Mr Filch has once again, reminded me to inform you that any products from Zonko's Joke Shop are illegal contraband, and will be seized upon discovery. For the recent list, see his parchment pinned to his office door for further details. Also, the third floor corridor, and Forbidden Forest are out of bounds to all students, and immediate detentions will be issued to any student found in non compliance of this rule. Lastly, we have a change of staff this year in the person of Professor Lupin, who will be teaching Defense Against The Dark Arts this year until further notice. Good luck, Professor.

"Now, for my final piece of news. Due to the recent escape of the notorious murderer Sirius Black, the Ministry of Magic has placed dementors on the borders of the school to ensure that Black does not endanger the lives of all of you students, and to locate him and bring him to justice. Until such a time as he is caught, these new security measures will be taken, and whilst I have been assured by Azkaban authorities that the dementors will not interfere with our day to day dealings, I must impress upon you all extreme caution: dementors are vicious creatures who often find it difficult to distinguish between the one they hunt, to anyone that they deem a threat, and it is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. Now, eat up this lovely feast, and once again, welcome!"

Luna frowned as she tied into her chocolate pudding. "I don't like how judgmental he is. All magical creatures deserve more respect than how he described dementors now."

Hermione nibbled on a blue frosting cupcake. "True, but they can be violent."

Luna grinned, "So can an Erumpent, but I pet one last summer and they can be really sweet too. I'm just saying that only inferi should be judged like that. You have frosting on your nose."

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