Seventy-Two: Dumbledore's Report

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After the sacking of Sybil Trelawney, and his insistence upon allowing the flaky witch to remain housed in the castle, Albus knew that he had to make his report to Tom Riddle. His Dark Mark burned, and it sent him to the old Riddle mansion, which was restored quite nicely once one got past the protective wards. Severus Snape was present, and so was Lucius Malfoy, naturally, but he did not expect to find Crouch Jr sitting with an escaped Bellatrix LeStrange, and the LeStrange twins at the dining room table.

Voldemort wore a black designer muggle suit that would have looked fashionable on a regular looking man, but on the Dark Lord, looked monstrous. The last person to arrive was Dolores Umbridge herself, who sat next to Vincent Crabbe senior, and greeted him with a gross sloppy snog.

Voldemort cleared his throat. "Enough, Dolores with your PDA. Now that Albus has arrived, we can begin with our plans."

Albus had to sit next to Antonin Dolohov, and Yaxley. Pius Thicknesse said, "The security around the Department of Mysteries has been weakened at your request, my Lord."

Voldemort nodded. "Very good, Pius. Dolores, I understand that you are swiftly taking over Hogwarts. How are you on convincing Fudge that these measures are a necessary one?"

The pink toad grinned. "Cornielius is a pliant pet, my Lord. He has long been unsatisfied with his wife Caroline, and will do just about whatever I want within reason, of course. But...but you promised me Severus."

"I promised no such thing, you twit," Voldemort snapped. "But you have served me well in dispatching your predecessor. Return to Hogwarts, and continue your iron rule, but if I hear that you have harmed my pet Harry Potter, you will pray for a dementor's Last Kiss. Begone, your flowery perfume is making us all want to vomit."

Umbridge fled the mansion, and Severus gave his usual report before Voldemort's red eyes fell on Dumbledore. "Now then, your report Albus. How goes your plans to try and oust this...this vampire from Hogwarts?"

"Not well, my Lord," Dumbledore confessed. "He...he hides, and no one can find him. I don't even know where he teaches. Is he dangerous?"

"No more than the werewolf you employed. But no matter, no matter," Voldemort remarked in a deceptively calm voice. "All that matters is gaining the prophecy. Wormtail!"

The fat rat faced wizard that was once known as Peter Pettigrew arrived. "Y-Yes, Master?"

"Is Sirius Black in the Malfoy Manor dungeon?" Voldemort inquired.

"Yes. We had to use the Imperius Curse on him, because he would come with willingly-"

"I should hope not, being a Black," Bellatrix quipped. "You did say that I could play with him, my Lord. You have the Potter brat as your pet, why not my cousin?"

Voldemort rolled his eyes. "Such a greedy minx you are, witch. I think a brief tumble will do, but you will leave him untouched, unlike your other toys. I need Harry Potter alive until I retrieve the prophecy that hare brained Seer predicted."

Bellatrix pouted. "Fine. But can we play tonight? I have been longing so for your arms."

Voldemort grinned. "Perhaps. All of you are dismissed."

The meeting adjourned, and Dumbledore felt his control starting to come back. Where was he? He should be grading papers, right? Or playing Chess with Minerva and afterwards getting inside her knickers, whichever was best. He briefly saw Voldemort's red eyes, and then that feeling of fogginess come back into his brain, and he knew no more until he woke up in his personal chambers once again...



Bellatrix lay on her side in bed, sleeping peacefully long after he had withdrew out of her. He removed his glamor that made him appear unsightly to the public, but there was no getting rid of the red eyes when he became angry. He padded naked to the balcony outside, the cool air a balm of comfort to him after his earlier antics in bed. He didn't have the strength to make another horcrux, he knew that with every fiber of his being. But, he missed Harry.

Certainly, they had never touched consciously, but in his shared dreams with him they shared much, and more together. It was a shame that Wormtail had made the Boy his enemy. He wanted Harry to keep the Diggory boy as his pet as a reassurance that his parent's sins were not his own. He also should have killed the rat, rather than act the magnanimous Dark Lord. But Severus Snape, and this vampire Prince was a problem, a big one. Severus knew too much of the regime's operations, and pure blood vampires were not to be trifled with. If he brought the might of his clan down on to him, he did not have much faith that his forces were enough to overwhelm theirs.

He had to know what the prophecy was! He needed to know if he truly had to kill the only wizard that meant a damn thing to him, or not. Was it love? No, love was a weakness, a pretty poison, it was true, but a poison all the same. But he desired him, oh yes, he wanted Harry to rule beside him with their dark kingdom before their feet.

A sardonic smile wreathed Voldemort's mouth, and he found himself hard once again. He went back inside, and closed the balcony door behind him. Bellatrix stirred, and he woke her up with a rough kiss.

"Oooh, yes, my Lord."

"Shut up, and spread your legs."

"Yes, my Lord."

She said nothing as commanded, and he roughly shoved himself deep inside Bellatrix's pussy, and fucked her rough, and fast, and did the same to her ass as well, not caring for her tears of pain. He continued to pound her into the mattress, and finished inside her pussy. Once that was done, he fell asleep. Bellatrix whimpered as she cried as she settled in to sleep beside him. Every time he was with the witch, he hurt her, on purpose, but she seemed to be a glutton for punishment, and so she remained by his side; and every time they engaged intimately, he ravaged her like an animal.

He slept, and dreamed of Harry and his soft lips, the feel of his lithe body wrapped around his, and as always, he teared up, not knowing what he felt for Harry Potter, but his subconscious mourned for that feeling of...completeness none the less....

completeness none the less

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