Twenty-One: Date Night

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I felt nervous to be going out on my first date with Severus since having Sebastian. I made sure he had enough breast milk in some bottles, and that my now large house elf staff would be on hand to take care of his needs. But still, I felt uneasy leaving my baby at home, because I had never been parted from him. I read him a chapter from one of my Jane Austen books, and he seemed to like literature over children's books. He went right to sleep on my chest just as I finished, and put his favorite green blanket and snake plushie beside him.

I felt Severus wrap his arms around me from behind, and kiss my temple softly. "I watched you read to him earlier. Does he really prefer listening to wealth disparity and etiquette faux paux rather than children's books?"

I chuckled, smoothing back Sebastian's soft black hair from his face. "Yes. He cries whenever I read anything but literature, or muggle fairy tales. He's definitely your son."

"Ours," He gently corrected, tilting my chin to meet his eyes. "Are you ready to go?"

I cleaned off the spit up from earlier magically, and teared up, "It's hard leaving him, Severus. I know it's good to still make time for myself but--"

"You love him."


Severus grinned wickedly, turning me to face him, and pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "Oh yes, I am intensely jealous, and have been ever since he gets to kiss your perfect breasts every day, and I do not."

I rolled my eyes, smiling, wiping at my eyes delicately, so as not to ruin my carefully applied eye makeup. "Is that all you think about while at work?"

He lightly squeezed my bottom as he pulled me flush to him, kissing me a little harder. "Mmhm. With increasing regularity. Waiting for you has been...a challenge."

"Play your cards right and we can possibly get back into the," My left hand trailed down his chest to lightly stroke him through his pants, "Swing of things."

Severus winked, "Then I intend to make this a date night we will both remember...this time around. Are you ready to go?"

I nodded, grabbing my purse as I stepped out of his arms. "Yes. Let's go."

We went to the apparation point in the backyard of Grimmauld Place. I held Severus's hand as he turned on the spot and apparated Paris! We stood in front of a fancy French restaurant, and I felt very out of place in my dark business suit.

Severus was dressed in a similar way, and he whispered, "You look wonderful. Are you ready to go in?"

"Yes, of course."

He held out his hand, and I took it. He gave his reservation information to the host, and we were seated in a private booth in a quiet part of the restaurant. We ordered food, and I picked out the wine.

When it came, I savored the taste, and confessed, "Gods, I miss this. Oh, and coffee too. Not being able to have both was the worst part of being pregnant."

Severus smiled, idly breaking a piece of bread apart, and setting it aside, which was a sure sign he was nervous. "I can imagine. I just wanted to truly have this date to apologize for taking so long to vaccillate on what I want."

I sipped my wine, and then ice water. "I almost didn't expect you to choose me. I know of your long standing love for Lily Potter."

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