Twenty-Five: First Christmas Ball

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I chose a silver and black ballgown, and Severus matched me looking very dashing and handsome as always. Harry hated wearing his tuxedo, but mini me loved her new dark blue gown. Malfoy Manor had never looked so grand, and like a glittering golden world, so very unlike the dour, dreary place I encountered when I was brought there as a prisoner during a war I was trying to prevent.

I had helped decorate the Manor, along with Narcissa, and her other pureblood friends who honestly worked on these subcommittees to stave off boredom. Certainly, the salaries were generous, and we all loved making our own money, and setting our own hours, but at the end of the day, we lived decadent lives as trophy wives of important wizards, and I was still getting used to the lifestyle. Sebastian had a team of house elves to attend to his needs, but I still missed him.

The dinner feast was lavish and was seven courses in total. Afterwards, the dancing was elegant, and I danced with many pureblood wizards over the course of the evening.

"You don't like this setting, do you?" Lucius asked, during his turn to waltz with me.

I spun in his arms, and I twirled back in his arms as we danced. "No, and I miss my baby. I know that sounds clingy, but it's true."

Lucius nodded, smiling. "No, it's just the mark of a good mother. A pity you didn't take me up on my offer on the train."

I rolled my eyes, smirking, "Yes, well, I do not regret that decision."

I twirled again, and he leaned me over, and back again. "I am glad in a way. Most witches would have caved, and taken up the offer."

"I love my husband, Lucius."

"I know. It's what I was testing you on when we first met."

"Ah. I was curious about the hype surrounding you, though," I bantered back. "I was pleased, but the heart wants what the heart wants."

Lucius kissed my hand, bowing as the song came to an end. I was about to find Severus, who was talking with Harry and Draco by the snack table, when Narcissa entered the room, tears running down her cheeks as ran into Lucius's arms, sobbing.

"He's dead!" She shouted. "R-Regulus Black is dead!"

I hugged her, and she clung to me for dear life. "Oh, Hermione, dear. My poor cousin, he...h-he is dead. I s-saw it on the family tapestry as I was getting ready."

I led her to one of the tables, and sat her down. Severus produced a potion vial, and said soothingly, " 'Cissa, shhh. Please take it, it's just Calming Draught. Lucius, get her some water."

Lucius nodded. "On it."

Younger me hugged her, "I'm so sorry, Mrs Malfoy."

"Thank you, dear. Where is Draco?"

"With the boys out playing Quidditch in the gardens, I think?" Younger me answered.

Narcissa drank her potion, and felt better. "I think I will go lay down a bit. I'm feeling very tired all of a sudden."

Lucius and Severus helped her to bed, and Severus found me on the dance floor later for our dance. "How is she?"

Severus sighed, twirling me. I spun back into his arms as we danced close to the tune of Blue Danube. "Sleeping. But, you act as if you knew this was going to happen."

"Can we talk in private?"

"Certainly. Let me show you the library."



The library was huge, and reminded me of the one in the Disney Beauty and the Beast movie, it had that same level of elegant gravitas to it. The silence of the room compared to the noise, and hustle and bustle of the ballroom was a bit jarring.

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