Seventy-One: Occlumency Lessons

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The pink toad Umbridge was continuing to overtake Hogwarts, and Harry continued to have lucid dreams and nightmares. Ever since he returned from Cedric Diggory's funeral, and he had to divide his time between Hogwarts, and checking up on James, his son by Daphne, he had been having dreams about a dark corridor of polished marble-like walls, and a doorway that went to...nowhere, apparently. As soon as he reached up to touch the polished round door knob, he woke up to his alarm clock that helped him to get to his classes on time. He also dreamed of Cedric dying over and over in his arms, and he woke up from those sobbing into his pillow, or punching it, it depended on his mood upon awakening.

Angel, Aunt Narcissa's boyfriend, helped Slytherin House by leaps and bounds in getting the students to understand not just the curriculum, but his form of wandless magic, mage lore. He was a more patient teacher, but gods, was he just as strict as Snape and he brooked no nonsense in his classes. The girls simpered over him, and a few of the gay students did too. Harry admitted that the vampire was hot, but he felt weird about admitting it out loud, since Angel was dating Draco's mum, and he had a sense that the vampire Prince only went for women.

Sometimes, when Professor Snape had time, he taught these secret DADA classes alongside Angel, and some of the Gryffindors took to wanting to learn from them, because they had heard that a pureblood vampire was teaching Slytherin and Ravenclaw House mage magic. But with Umbridge wanting to take over the school, and the teachers being evaluated, it was getting harder and harder to schedule these night time classes.

On this night, however, Harry had been able to write down his recurring dreams, and he had kept putting it off, because of his heavy class schedule, and his family needing him on occasion. But, he figured it was the price to pay for knocking up his girlfriend while still in school, and it was somewhat comforting that him and Daphne weren't the first teen couple to have a baby way too young, because muggles went through this as well.

Aunt Hermione had arranged for these Occlumency lessons, and she admonished him on "sticking with it this time around," whatever that meant. He headed to the Room of Requirement, and he heard the clashing of swords, and laughter. He entered the room carefully, and watched as Angel was sparring with a willow thin woman with shoulder length black and dark purple hair. They were both dressed in black exercise outfits, and were parrying and slicing each other up, or trying to, at a blindingly fast pace.

Angel moved to slash at her abdomen, but the woman put up a wandless shield charm, and he laughed, and said something in a fluid language Harry didn't understand. The woman flipped out of the way, and saw some kind of opening and moved in with...clawed nails like a dragon. She moved in, but at the last second, Angel pinned her hands above her head and kissed her hard enough to draw blood.

"Mmm, what will your witch say about that?"

"Are you going to kiss me or not, Trix?"

His sparring partner laughed, "Too bad I can't do more. We have a guest, it seems." Trix kissed Angel, and bit his lower lip, briefly dipping her tongue into his mouth before licking up the blood that welled up there.

"Hm, yes, that is a pity. You have your orders. Go see to them," Angel gently lifted himself off of her, and she got up, and winked mischievously at him before pouting.

"This celibacy is not good for you, Seraph."

"As I said, we are taking our time."

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