The Truth

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Jasmine's POV

I think am about ready to tell the gang how I got here. Tell them that I was from the year 2021. Tell them it was all from a dream. That is how Kate got here too. Kate thought we should tell them too. I don't know if they would believe me but I still want to try. I well talk to Kate if she thinks today is a good day to say it. I hope Soda doesn't break up with me. I hope nobody thinks am lying. Which they might. Time travel is pretty much impossible. But am worried when the truth gets out. I am worried that some ghosts well hear me say that. Ghosts like Bob Sheldon. He is at least one ghost I don't want to know. He could be trying to haunt me and once he hears me say that it we'll come up with a bigger plan. I went over to Kate. "Hey Kate. I was wondering if you thought that maybe today would be a good day to tell the gang how we got here" I said. "I think today is a good day. I want to know as soon as possible. Even if it means that they don't believe us. I want to get it off my chest" said Kate. I nodded. We then walked to the living room where the rest of the gang was. "Guys,I have something to say" I said. They all stopped talking and looked up at me. I looked up at Kate and I saw worry in her eyes. I am worried and scared. I wonder what they are going to think. "I don't know if you guys are going to believe me or not but am going to speak the truth. This also might seem impossible but it really did happen. So don't laugh or anything. When I first met you guys about three weeks ago I actually was new here. I didn't make that part up. The day before I had a dream. I was dreaming about The Outsiders. Them when I woke up I was in a different room. I few minutes later I headed downstairs and I had different parents. When I went outside it looked different. It did look like Tulsa Oklahoma though. I was just walking around town when I saw a man. I walked up to him and asked him or the year. It looked up at me confused but said that it was year of 1965. The thing is am from the year of 2021. That's when I realized that I was in The Outsiders book. That is how Kate got here too. I couldn't believe I was right front of the DX. That was why I seemed confused when I walked in. Now you might be thinking how The Outsiders has something to do with this. Well the thing is all of you are in a book and movie. And it was summer break when I got here. So I believe that some how I went through a time portal while I was sleeping. I don't know what happened but that is how I think I got here"I said. The whole gang just stared at me blankly. I couldn't tell if they believed me or not. "That is hard to believe" said Two-Bit. "Yeah I don't know how that is even possible" said Steve. "So your saying that your from the future?" Pony asked. I nodded my head. "So we are on in some book and movie then right?" Darry asked. "Yeah. School actually ended for me the day before" I said. "That kinda makes sense" said Dallas. "Yeah it really does" said Johnny. "Why didn't you tell us right away?" Soda asked. "I didn't know how to tell you guys. I also didn't know how you guys would react. I was also very confused at the time. I was still trying to figure out how I got here" I said. "You could have been kidnapped" said Steve. "That might explain why you have different parents" said Two-Bit. "How about everything else?" I asked. The gang stayed quiet. "You guys are still all from a book and movie" said Kate. "And we are not from Tulsa" I said. "Where you guys from?" Johnny asked. "Richland Washington" I said. They all nodded. "Okay I believe you" said Soda. He then ran over to me then kissed me. "Wait hold on. Was everything from the book besides you being here?" Pony asked. "Almost every. It started when you got jumped from walking home from the movies. Then the drive-in was supposed to happen next,then you and Johnny going to the lot. Also when Darry hit you and Johnny killed that Soc and you guys ran away to Windrixvell. Also the part where Dallas gave you guys advice. Going to Dairy Queen and the Church burning. As well with the hospital and the rumble and Soda running away. It actually ended there. But certain stuff that happened in the book didn't happen in this world"I said. "Like what?" Johnny asked. "I shouldn't say" I said. "Look it's all over anyways" said Dallas. I looked over at Kate and she nodded. "Okay fine but you guys aren't going to like it" I said. "Johnny and Dallas was supposed to die. Johnny was supposed to die because some timber was supposed to fall on his back and break it which I saved him from that and Dallas was supposed to die because Johnny died. He died by suicide by cop. He couldn't take it. Oh and Pony was supposed to get sick by having too much cigarettes at that church. Which I stopped him from doing" I said. Johnny and Dallas and Pony looked at me with wide eyes."Wait really?" Johnny asked. "Yeah" I said. "About about when me,Two-Bit,and Johnny went to go see you and Dallas at the hospital? Was that part of the story?" Pony asked. "Depends. Did Randy have a talk with you about not wanting participate in the rumble and talk about you know who?" I asked. Pony nodded in his head slowly giving me a confused look. "Then yes" I said. "I guess if you knew that in you were actually telling the truth" said Johnny. I smiled. Johnny then ran over to me and hugged me. "Thanks for saving my life" said Johnny. "Your welcome Johnny" I said.

Kate's POV

I am glad Jasmine told the gang the truth now. I am also glad that they believed her. I wish she didn't have to go through all of those events. But at least she saved Johnny from dying. I think other stuff happened between those events though. Johnny then walked over to me. "Kate,can I talk to you?" Johnny asked. "Yeah sure" I said. We then walked outside. "Kate I know we haven't known each other for a long time but I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend" Johnny said. "Yes of course!" I said excitedly. We then went back inside. "Kate is my girlfriend now" said Johnny. Everyone cheered. I saw Jasmine smile. She is the only one who knew that I had  a crush on Johnny. Can this day get any better.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry if it was a little too long. Anyways have a good day. Stay Gold

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