New Day Part 2

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Jasmine's POV

I decide to keep walking towards the Curtis house. I cross the street to try and avoid the Socs. When I get to the end of the side walk I cross the street again. I barely got passed them. I decided to run when I get across. "Get her!" Johnson yelled. I heard running footsteps behind me. I ran as fast as I could. They are catching up to me. I then felt someone leap on me and tackled me to the ground. I tried to get up but someone kicked me back down and I got pinned down. I then felt a tight grip on both of my arms. Someone twisted them behind my back. I heard a blade opened and I felt the cold metal against my throat. I don't get why I have to get jumped. I know I said I don't mind it but I don't feel like getting jumped two days in a row. I then heard someone laugh lightly. "Nice to see you again Jasmine" said Johnson. "Leave me alone" I said. "I don't think so" said Johnson. "Come on. I never did anything to you" I said. "I don't care" said Johnson. He then lifted both of my jacket sleeves up. "Oh seems like you already got cut on both arms" said Johnson. "Yeah yesterday" I said. "Well maybe I should cut them open" said Johnson. "Please don't" I said. He then took my hand and cut the inside of it. "Why did you even want to cut me?" I asked. "Cause I felt like it" said Johnson. He then cut my other hand. "Come on,can't we talk about this?" I asked. "There is nothing to talk about" said Johnson. He then started beating me up. When he finally stopped,I was aching all over. I wish he would just leave me alone. "Like I said before,stay away from Addison" Johnson said sternly. "Not if your going to hurt her" I said. Just then,the all ran back to the Mustang for some reason. "I well get you later Jasmine. Mark my words" Johnson said. What scared them off? I took some wipes out of my backpack and wiped my hands off. Let me tell you,it stings a lot. I then put some gloves on so nobody would be able see see the cuts. I looked at camera and my phone and saw blood on my face too. I wiped it off my face as will. I then got to my friends house I few minutes later. I don't know why I keep calling it my friends house if we are family. I walked in and no one even noticed any cuts on me. "Hey Jasmine" said Kate. "Hi Jasmine" said Johnny. "Hi" said Pony. "Hey guys. Thanks so much for the note Johnny. I totally agree with that poem" I said. "Glad to liked it" said Johnny. He then smiled at me. I then we to Soda's room for awhile.

Johnny's POV

Am so glad Jasmine likes the note. Am glad she agrees with what I said about the poem. I still think she's gold. I hope everything is okay with her. She seems a little too quiet lately. Maybe it's because of Jay. Man I hate Jay. He shouldn't have hurt her at all. No one should. She didn't even kill that Soc,I did. Pony didn't either. They were just with me. Why do people not understand that. I really regret killing Bob. Maybe if I didn't a lot of stuff wouldn't have happened. I decided to go outside for awhile. "Bob if you can hear me,am sorry for killing you. I didn't know what else to do. You were drowning my best friend. You also mentioned you wanted to kidnap Jasmine. I had a lot on my mind then. I guess we should have gone to the lot or something instead of the park. I guess you shouldn't have been there either. If I could go back in time I would stop myself from killing you. I know you gave me the scar but I don't hold a grudge on you anymore. That was in the past. Maybe I have only seen the bad side of you but Cherry saw a different side. Maybe you only showed the side because you were drunk. You were drunk when you gave me the scar too. Or maybe it's because you hate greasers. Or maybe both. I just want to say am sorry" I said out loud. I hope he got the message. I truly met it.

Bob's POV

"Good speech you just made there Johnny. Am still doing revenge on you in a eight months don't worry. I still hold a grudge on you." I said out loud even though I know he can't hear me. Am still planning to do something to  Jasmine on Halloween night. I don't want her hurt that much when I see her so I have been protecting her. I have been protecting her a lot. She got jumped today by I think Johnson? I think I got that name right. Yesterday she got jumped by Adam. I guess I should have stopped him but I didn't. I have stopped Jay from jumping her a few times to. I hate greasers so much. Johnny and Horseboy picked up my girl so that's one reason am still mad at him. He also killed me so that makes it even worse. Those two greasers also picked up my best friends girl two. Am so mad a Two-Bit two. Am not mad at Jasmine sense she is a girl and she's in the middle class range. I still call Ponyboy Horseboy cause I feel like it really suits him and I think it would make him mad. Am also mad a Dallas for messing with Cherry. I have heard her talk about that many times. I read the note Johnny wrote Jasmine at lunch today. I can't wait for October 31st. I think it well be perfect revenge for Johnny. I think it would be the best time considering am a ghost. I got my ring back from that fountain. I just want to haunt Johnny,Pony,and Jasmine. Jasmine can't decide if she is actually being haunted or not. Am going to be around her the most.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry if you didn't want some of it to be in Bob's POV. Just to the left you know,at first it wasn't am intention to do some of it in Bob's POV at first. It was kinda a last minute thing. Am glad I put it in there though. Maybe you could take a good guess about what's going to happen on Halloween in this book. Let me know if you think of something. Whatever it is,I guess Bob thinks it is going to be good revenge on Johnny. Anyways have a good day. Do it for Johnny and Stay Gold

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