After That

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Jasmine's POV

I am glad Kate and Johnny are together. I think that they are a perfect match. It really makes me happy seeing someone with Kate. I knew she had a crush on Johnny while she was reading The Outsiders. I mean Johnny is only three years older then her. I wouldn't let her date Dallas,Two-Bit,Steve,or Darry if she had a crush on of them. They are just too old for her. And I don't mean old like they have wrinkles or anything. I mean that there too old for her to date them. I do like how the whole gang is young though. That means I well mostly get to see them for a long time. I am just really glad that Soda decided to stay with me. Now Johnny is a new member of the family. Darry,Pony,Soda,and Johnny are all in the family. So that's most of the gang. I walked over to Soda and kissed him. "I guess Johnny is part of the family now" I said. Soda smiled. "I guess so" said Soda. I smiled too. "Soda thanks for staying with me after what I told the whole gang not to long ago" I said. Soda looked up at me confused. "And why would I not stay with you after what you said?" Soda asked. "Well I thought you would've thought that I lied to you and that you wouldn't want to be with me anymore and stop wanting to be friends with me. To be fair I didn't know how the gang would have reacted. I thought that none of you would want to be friends with me after I told you guys. And I didn't tell you guys right away so I thought you guys would be even more mad at me. Especially after you found out that you guys were from a book and movie. I also just got together with you and I thought it would ruin our friendship. And you have always been one of my best friends. And I hope you understand that I was so busy. I mean I ended up going to Windrixvell and went to the hospital and then the rumble happened then you ran away then Court started. Then Pony went back to school and am starting school pretty soon. Let's not forget that Kate came as well" I said. "Jasmine listen,I would never want to break up with you. To be fair at first I thought you were joking. But then you started talking about how Pony had a talk with Randy and he actually did. That's when I started realizing that you were right the whole time. And you know what,I don't even know what I would have done without you. I got together with you cause I knew you were perfect for me. You were there even on the hardest times. You would even help clean the house when no one was there. I also know how much you care about the gang. And even if you made one mistake I would still be with you. Everyone makes mistakes and that's just life. Am not like some people who just leaves there girlfriend or boyfriend because they made a small mistake. Sure I might be mad for some time but I wouldn't leave you for a simple mistake. And I hope you realize that" said Soda. He then kissed me. "Soda guess what Dally looked like in the book" I said. "What did he look like?" Soda asked. "He had blonde hair and blue eyes" I said. Soda laughed a little. "Dally your from New York right?" I asked. Dally looked up at me with a schooled look. "Yeah. How did you know that?" Dally asked. "From the book and movie" I said. "Oh. How did I look like in the book?" Dally asked. "You had blonde hair and blue eyes" I said. Everyone laughed. "How about in the movie?" Dally asked. "The same as you look now. Everyone else was the same in each" I said. "Oh I bet I was tough" said Dally. "I liked you better in the movie then in the book. You were actually my least favorite character Dal" I said. "Of course I was. Who was your favorite?" Dal asked. "Soda Curtis" I said. "Dal you were actually my least favorite to. Johnny was my favorite" said Kate. "Of course I was" said Dal. "Thanks for still wanting to be friends with me guys" I said. "Why wouldn't we?" Steve asked. "She thought we wouldn't want to be friends with her after she talked about the time travel thing" said Soda. "Hey don't say stuff like that" said Darry. "Yeah we don't care if you time traveled or not we would still want to be friends with you" said Steve. "We didn't know if it was true at first because time travel is pretty much impossible but then you started saying stuff that you didn't get to see because you were in the hospital so then that's why we started believing you. You have always been a good friend. Even if it wasn't true we would have all thought you were joking with us" said Two-Bit. "You have really helped a lot with us. You have cleaned for us and helped us get through tough times. You have been a good friend to all of us. I am hay to get you as a sister" said Pony. "Jasmine,I don't know what I have done without you. Pony's right. You really have got us through the toughest times. But you have done more for me. You saved my life. If you didn't push me out of the way I would've died. You said it yourself. You didn't just save me. You saved Dally too. You even stopped Pony from getting sick. And I really appreciate all of that. Thanks so much Jasmine. You well be a good sister" said Johnny. "You are pretty tough. And I can admit you are pretty brave too. You also saved Johnny and am really happy about that. He could have died which would have caused me to die. Which I wouldn't mind dieing. You still do a good job holding the gang together" said Dallas. I cried a little. I am so glad. I met them. I really did save lives. I thought I just saved Johnny and Dallas and those kids. But it turns out I saved all of them. I helped them through tough times and I guess I saved them from that. That gang really is sweet. Now am starting to get why I came into this world. It was to pull them back together. It wasn't just saving two members and the kids. It was about saving the whole gang. I thought four members as my family. But the whole gang is actually part of the family. I am really happy about this life.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. Am sorry if it is a little too long. I was going to add something to this chapter but then I realized that it was getting too long. Don't worry though. I will add some more chapters later. Although I think that this could have been a good ending. There is just certain things I just want to add to this story. Anyways have a good day. Stay Gold

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