117 - Kim Namjoon ( BTS )

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This is an AU, just heads up. 

My dad had called me to come to his office, something about needing to talk to me about something important. So here I am, making my way to his office. When I walk in I am greeted by four men, which obviously isn't usually the best thing in the world. " My beautiful daughter! Come, come in! " He cheers, I'm his only daughter out of the eight children he has. And the boys won't deny it, I am his favorite child. " We have new men, and I wanted you to meet them. The other three are on their way sweetheart, " he adds. I give him a slight nod, as I make eye contact with one of the men standing in front of me. 

" Boys, this is my daughter... Y/n, she's one of the ones you will see a lot. Y/n, this is Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok, " he tells me, I give them all a wave. They're definitely all older than me, not a doubt in my mind that they aren't. Sad that they chose this life, but it is what it is. 

We continue making light conversation, and there is a knock on the door. My dad saying come in, and the door opens. Must be the rest of their group. " Sweetie... " he begins, I begin to turn around to face them. " Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon, " he tells me, I make eye contact with Namjoon and I immediately freeze. 

Shit... play it cool. Play it cool, dad cannot know. He can't know. 

" Hi, it's a pleasure to meet all of you guys. Father... I need to finish up some school work, and I'm sure you have some things you still want to discuss with your new employees is it okay if I am excused? " I ask him, he nods towards me. 

" Isn't she so polite, yes sunshine... that's my beautiful daughter, boys let's talk, " he comments clapping his hands as I proceed to leave the room, I turn back and make eye contact with Namjoon. 

This is why you don't lie about your age in a club! It comes to bite you in the ass, okay Y/n let's think maybe it's jut someone who looks like him. With the exact same hair color, same height, some body... shit. 

I'll explain... since probably at least one person is confused. I'm 20, I technically lied about my age. Well, I just didn't specify it. He asked 'you're older than 18 right?' Which I answered with 'yes.' He didn't ask how old was I in the sense of fully asking for my age. When we slept together I was 19 still, because I hadn't had my birthday yet. 

This all came back, why? Out of everyone, it had to be him. Just act professional, maybe he forgot. I mean the only reason why you remember him, is because you were almost completely sober when we started. And... shit, he remembers me. There's no way he doesn't, well that's gonna be a wonderful conversation. 

That night still 'haunts' me, the memories of that night continues repeating in my mind over and over and over again. The way he grabbed a hold of me pulling me towards him. Slamming his lips against mine, the way his hands roared my body like he's been longing to do it. I couldn't get him out of my head, and I still can't. It's been almost two weeks now. And in those last two weeks we've met up at least six times. Which causes issues, my dad cannot find out. 

That night, my dad wanted to have dinner with me. Which is usually always the case, but they got to join due to them being new. My dad treats all of his men with high respect, it's just something he has always done. But the other situation is I can't, I have a party I was planning on going too. 

" Sweetie, there you are... wow you look beautiful, " dad tells me, I nod towards him. " Ohhh.. I completely forgot, you have that party tonight, " he adds. I nod towards him. " You know my rules, " he states. 

" Don't get pregnant, don't get killed, have fun, and if you're going to drink know the limits, " I order to him, which he just nods. " Have fun tonight with the newbies, " I add, he nods towards me. 

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