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       Chapter 1: A fine college day

Life is a mysterious puzzle. Totally a clueless one and we are the ones who solve it. The most thrilling part of it is it's uncertainty. One has no idea of what comes next. Some may encounter the most strangest things in life and gets trapped in certain mishaps. That's the unpredictable nature of life

St. Xavier's college, Oxford

A usual cool and wintry morning. The campus was overflowing with the crowd of students, some moving in and out of the campus, chortling and buzzing all the way, while some were just hanging around.

It was a hectic day for the HOD (Head of the department) Professor Mary Elizabeth who was checking all the reports which were scattered on the table.  She was continuously checking her watch in haste, for she had classes that hour.

Mary went through the papers at a glance while the poen brings another load to scrutinize. Her eyes went wide, seeing the load.

Mary : Louis, keep the rest of the files in the store. Already, I have a lot to scrutinize.

Louis: yes ma'am

He took the bundle and leaves the room. The door swayed hard as he passed. Mary was about to leave her seat but she was interrupted by a tap on the door.

Mary: yes, come in

A middle aged woman, along with her daughter entered the room. She was wearing a thick red coat and her daughter was wearing a pink coat and white half skirt. Mary gestured  them to sit. Politely the woman handed over certain papers to Mary, and she went through it.

Mary: Oh, new admission. David sir had mentioned

The woman:  Yes ma'am. She got transferred here.

Mary: Oh, ok. First year. What's your name?

Girl: Ma'am, Jennie

Mary: Jennie, welcome to St. Xavier's college, chemistry department. Hope you'll work hard and help to maintain the decorum of our institution

Jennie: yes ma'am

Mary (noddes her head) : So, I'm your HOD and tutor for this semester. The class had begun 3 weeks ago. But don't worry, we'll provide necessary help for you to cope up with your portions.

Jennie: Thank you ma'am

Just then, the door sways open again and a short girl peeped  in and asks for permission. Mary let  her in. She walks inside in a courteous manner and carefully places the records on the table. She was wearing a red coat, purple blazers and a pink scarf on top, with ash coloured half  skirt and long white stockings. Her long thick curly hair was lying loose with a red coloured hair band on top.

Mary: Jennie, this is Nila. She's the head student of the department. (Mary guestured her to come forward)

Nila gave a bright smile. Jennie smiled  back with a hello.

Mary: If you have any problem or doubt, inform her. Nila, take her to the class and introduce her to everyone. For I have classes this hour.

Nila: Sure ma'am (She guestures her to come)

Jennie's mom: Thankyou ma'am

Jennie walks behind Nila. Her badge contained her full name. She silently follows her.

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