55. Sleep Over

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The night had fallen but the rain was showing no signs to stop. It kept on pouring down. Flashes of lightening could be seen.

Nila stirred on the bed, with hair scattered all of her face and pillow. She squinted her eyes and looked beside to find Sooraj sleeping peacefully, with his hands holding her. She smiled and ruffled his hair.

Nila mv: Awww..my baby looks so cute when he sleeps.

Sooraj opened his eyes and stretched. He smiled at her as he caressed her cheek. They went forward to kiss each other while she realized that she had forgotten something.

Nila: What's the time now?

Her eyes went towards the clock. It was showing 7: 45. She freaked out.

Nila: Oh my God! It's gonna be eight! I have to go!

She got up and was about to make a dash out of the bed while she realized that she was fully naked. He got up and helped her to find her uniform. They hastily got dressed and got out of the bed. Sooraj drew open the curtains. It will still raining.

Sooraj: But it's raining cats and dogs outside. How are you gonna go?

Nila: Then what should I do?

Sooraj: You can stay here tonight and go tomorrow morning. It's not safe to go outside in this weather. Look, it's raining heavily

Nila thought for a while and took out her phone to find five missed calls. It was from Reethu and mom.

Nila: God! I'm in a soup!

She rang her mom.

Nila: Hello mom

Maya: What are you doing over there? I've been calling you for a long time. Aren't you coming home?

Nila: I want to but it's raining heavily outside. I stayed here inorder to wait for the rains to stop but it is not at all stopping. Can I stay here at Riya's for today please?

Maya: Ah...okay then. Be back tomorrow morning itself.

Nila: Yeah I will. Thanks mom

Maya: Why weren't you answering my calls earlier?

Nila (stammers): Ah..uh..As we were studying we put our phones in silent mode. I didn't notice your calls earlier. Sorry mom

Maya: Fine. Take care. I'll call you in the morning

Nila: Okay mom. Bye

She cut the call.

Sooraj: What did she say?

Nila: She said yes but..

Sooraj: But what?

Nila: I don't have anything to wear. What am I gonna do?

Sooraj: That's all I'll give you my clothes. Okay?

Nila: How am I gonna fit inside your clothes? It'll will be like I'm inside  a gunny sack! (giggles)

Sooraj: Uhh..so funny. No it won't. I have those clothes which I used to wear during my highschool times. I'm sure that would fit you. Wait.

He opened his cupboard and rummaged his shelves while her gaze went towards the mirror. Her eyes went wide. She was having a worse bed head and her hair was fully tangled. Her kohl was fully smudged and there were traces of lipstick on the edges of her lips.

Nila: Uh... I'm a mess.

Sooraj took out his old light yellow coloured hoodie and cream colored shorts and closed the cupboard.

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