3. Surprise Test

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It was  five o clock and the students have already made their way back home. Nila, after completing the assigned tasks, took out her bag and locked up the room. As she walked  down the stairs, she saw her friends sitting on a bench in the garden.

Nila went to them.

Nila: You guys haven't gone yet?

Riya: We didn't want to leave you alone. So we decided to wait.

Nila (lets out a smile) : But it's too late. (She shows her watch)

Catherine: Never mind. We'll go together

They walked  towards the college gate.

Susan: Did Madam scold you for becoming late?

Nila(stunned) : How do you guys know?

Riya: We asked Bethany. She told us the entire incident.

Nila: Oh.

Michelle: You should have entered the hall without notice. Like we all do after skipping 3 to 4 hours of lectures for getting attendence. (giggles)

Nila: Don't you know how well I manage to slink inside the classes? But this time, I was trapped. The devil snitched on me wantedly.

Riya: Who?

Nila (snorts): Who else? Sooraj! He was the only one who saw me sneaking inside.

Riya: This Sooraj is going overboard. Doesn't have any other work other than torturing you like this everytime?

Nila: He's like a bloody CC camera! Monitoring each and every movement and recording every single flaw of mine! So I have to be extra careful in everything. I just hate him!

Michelle: Don't worry. We'll think of a nice plan so that he won't intrude in your business.

Nila: He thinks that he could outwit me everytime. But I'm going to remove that notion from his head forever. He'll repent for everything he has done till now.

At Sooraj's apartment

Sooraj was typing notes and saving them in his laptop. His mother was sitting next to him, doing her knitting.

Sooraj's mom: Son, The milk is boiled and kept for you on the stove. Don't forget to drink before going to bed.

Sooraj's pushed away his laptop in frustration.

Sooraj: Mom, stop treating me like a kid. I've grown up. Can't you see?

Mom (glares at him) Why? What happened to you all of a sudden? No matter how much you've grown up. You'll always be my kid. Understand?

Sooraj (clasps his hands in front of her) : I agree, but atleast not outside. You have no idea how much I got ridiculed by my friends after hearing your voice msgs.

Mom: Huh, What there in it to make fun of?

Sooraj: They called me a baby and asked whether you've sent diapers along with the milk bottle! (He cringes)

Mom(giggles) : Ah..uh...I still remember, when you were small, you had a habit of peeing in your bed everytime and had to wear diapers till you were five. How many bedsheets I had to wash in a day..

Sooraj( slaps his forehead) : Why did I ever say that? I should be slapped! Now don't present this in front of my friends okay?

Mom: Sooraj, I don't care whether you are young or an adult. For me, you'll always be my baby boy.

He finally gave up. He had no one else to call his own other than his mom and that's the reason why she showed extra love, care and affection towards him. He loved his mother and lot and never tried to hurt her feelings.

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