34. I Wanna Be a Boy/Girl Again

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Manager: What do you mean you want more time? You can't complete at least this work assigned to you?

The manager was frustrated than usual and he was giving Nila a piece of his mind. She was listening to his taunts helplessly.

Nila: Sir this work is too heavy. Please...I need some more time.

Manager: Heavy? This work is heavy? I am hearing  you say like this before. Morever you used complete two loads in just four hours!

Nila was speechless.

Manager: I don't want to hear any further excuses. I want it done now!! Understood?

Nila: uh..okay sir.

She slumped back to her seat and sighed dismally. It's been nearly one and a half month and she was struggling with his hectic schedules. Some days, she would get so tired after work that she would fall asleep the moment her head touches her pillow. On the other hand, she struggled with her studies and duties as a head student.

After a long hectic day, she reached home. Rani gave her tea and brought her dinner, but she insisted on getting a shower first to fresh up her body and mind. As she stood drenching herself in the shower, she thought

Nila: I've always underestimated and ridiculed him. But I never had an idea of the kind of life he was leading. He does he even manage all these? Here I'm struggling with a copy work alone! Life isn't same for everyone, I understand that. I now realize how blessed I was before, with a loving family, with no work or stress or anything! I really feel sorry for him

At the college...

Professor Gregory: So practicals for this semester are coming. Prepare yourselves well. Make sure that you score well.

He called Nila aside

Pr. Gregory: Sooraj,  Make sure that your pen drive works perfectly this time. Don't let that mishap happen again this time

Nila: Uh..okay

Pr Gregory: See, this is your final chance. The marks for your practicals during the previous semester are lagging because you were disqualified. Don't let that happen this time. Otherwise you won't pass.

Nila: I understand sir.

Pr. Gregory: To be frank, I really felt bad for you that time. You had been working on that presentation 24×7 for three months. Admist all your work and schedule, you some how managed to complete it. I had seen you working late after college. But unfortunately...

A strong sense of guilt stabbed her heart and she didn't know what to say.

Pr. Gregory: That's why I told you to be careful this time. Dont loose your marks at any cost. Okay?

Nila: Yes sir.

She went back to her seat and tried to focus herself on the monitor but her eyes were overwhelming with tears of guilt. She remembered how she had ruined his presentation inorder to seek revenge for insulting her, not knowing that it was his days of hard work and toil she had ruined.

Her lips quivered

Nila: I ruined your hard work, without knowing that you had completed it, facing those hardships. I shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry Sooraj...

At the college grounds.

Nila was sitting at the footsteps, seeing the football practice of the sophomores. The chilling wind was quite calming and she felt a soothing sensation. As she was immersed in the practice, a familiar voice hit her ears.

Sooraj: You're here? I was searching you all over.

She turned back and let out a smile.

Nila: Why? Any occasion?

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