19. Who's Gonna Volunteer?

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Two weeks later..

It was lunch time. The canteen was full of students, buying and having lunch. The counter was extremely busy. Nila and her friends were sharing lunch while Min Su-Ah also came to join them. Riya's face when glum all of a sudden.

Su-Ah: Hi friends. Shall I also join?

Nila: Why not? Come join us Su-Ah!

Riya glared at her. Su-Ah sat with them and started sharing her lunch. In the meanwhile, Their super senior, Ruby Cornwell came towards them with a hello.

Catherine: Hi Senior, would you like to join us?

Ruby (smiles): No Guys, you carry on. I just had my lunch.

Alex: At least you can sit with us. Please senior.

All of them said and Ruby obliged to sit with them. As they started to talk about random things, an announcement was made through the speaker.

All head students should be present at the conference hall at 10 am tomorrow. Uniforms are compulsory. There is going to be an important meeting at the conference hall. Thank you.

Nila: A Meeting? For what?

Su-Ah: Don't know. Maybe regarding the upcoming annual sports meet.

Nila: No way. The decisions regarding the meet were already taken during last meeting, remember?

Su-Ah: Maybe something is left out. Oh no, another meeting! I just hate em.

Nila: Well, tomorrow is Friday. What's the need for a uniform?

Su-Ah(annoyed): Don't know. I think the director has gone crazy or something like that.

Catherina: Also one thing. I don't see any professors today. The cabins are all empty. Where did they go?

Riya: I was also thinking the same.

Ruby: Maybe they've gone for a tour or something.

Alex: Oh really? Thank God. We are safe from Amar sir's extra class today.

Others: Of course

Ruby (smirks): You also hate his classes right?

Nila: Well, he teaches pretty good. But he never fails to shock us with surprise tests everytime. He also makes the low scorerers write 15-20 times imposition. So we're kinda scared to attend his class.

Judith: Don't know how his kids endure his teaching ways.

Alex: Kids? What the hell are you talking? He's not even married!

Judith: (grins): Is that? Erhh.... Sorry. I Don't know more about his personal life

Ruby: Well, He would have got married if he had a little guts to elope with his lover.

All eyes went wide. Nila and Riya choked.

Riya: He has a lover!

Nila: Who is she? Why didn't they get married?

Alex: What happened? Didn't their parents approve their relationship?

Ruby: I'll tell you everything from the beginning. Pr. Amar fell in love with a girl when he was doing MSC in this college. They were college sweethearts for a long time. What to say- A true soulmate relationship!

Nila (excited): Who was the girl by the way? What's her name?

Ruby (with a smile): Wanna know? I know you won't believe, buts it's true. Our HOD, Mary Elizabeth.

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