16. Jokes on the Other

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Riya: We thought the enmity between them would sometime subside. But it kept on growing day by day. For eg, if she is taking a seminar, he would annoy her continuously.

One day, she was taking a seminar on quantum physics...

Nila: It is the science that's deals with the behavior of matter and light on the atomic and subatomic scale. It is..

Sooraj (shouts): Miss Nila you are not audible enough.

She fumed inside. But controlled her anger anyway.

Nila: De Broglie's equation states that every moving particle-whether microscopic or macroscopic is associated with a...

Sooraj: I can't hear you. Louder please!

Nila couldn't take it anymore. She moved towards him, giving him a cold stare. Sooraj became alert. Students anticipated for something to happen

Taking a megaphone from behind, she yelled


Her voice resonated in the whole class and he felt his ear drum explode. The students were sent to a laughing fit.

Nila: I guess Mr Gour, you need to consult an ENT as soon as possible . For your ears have become just like you- Useless.

The students roared with laughter after hearing this.

Nila went back smiling and Steam was escaping out of Sooraj's ears.

That evening, At the parking place.

Nila: What the heck? Somebody let out air from my cycle tyre! Oh God! How am I supposed to go home now? I know the one behind this. Urghhh Ill get back to you you moron!!!

Next morning at the grounds.

Sooraj and others were playing football at the grounds. Nila was passing by and ball accidently hit her leg.

Nila: Ouch! What the heck?

Sooraj: Hey you Complan girl!! Pass our football back please.

His friends laughed at his remark. Anger bubbled up in Nila's veins. Setting his face as the target, she kicked the ball with utmost vigor. The ball went and it hit George on his face. He fell on the ground and moaned.

Nila: Oh no wrong person. But feels great (laughs)

Sooraj: Oh no, Are you okay? (Turns back to her) Why did you do that?

Nila: (laughs): Huh..How you like that?

You gonna like that that that that that tarara... How you like that?

Singing, she ran away from the grounds.

George (in a nasal voice): You'll reap for this you witch!!

One Physics class..

Sooraj's phone rang and he was answering it. As Amar Sir came in early, he kept the phone aside and forgot to put it on silent mode. This didn't go unnoticed by Nila.

She took out her phone and fished out his number from the WhatsApp group. When he began teaching, Nila called him and Sooraj's phone started ringing.

Amar Sir went irate. "Who's phone is that?

Sooraj stood up "I'm sorry Sir, I forgot to put it on silent.

Pr. Amar (yells): Stand outside! NOW!!

Students began to laugh and Sooraj took out his bag and stood outside the class. Nila controlled her laughter and waved to him.

Nila mv: Bye bye you nuisance. Hope not to see you again. Go to hell, It's high time now..(giggles)

Riya: Well we all know, Karma is a boomerang..

Nila's mom: Oh...how many times I've told this girl not to forget her tiffin box! Today I'll surely give her a piece of my mind

After some time, Nila's phone started to ring, she had also forgotten to put in on silent mode

Say you remember me...standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset..

Nila was startled. All eyes went to her. Pr. Amar finally lost his patience.

Pr. Amar: Who's phone is ringing now?

She got up with a look of apology.

Nila: I'm sorry Sir. I forgot to..

Pr. Amar: Get out of my class!!

Nila hurryingly took out all her books, stuffed them in her bag and ran out of the class.

Pr. Amar: Hey you wait!

Nila (confused): What happened sir?

Pr. Amar: I meant stand outside, not to roam around the campus. Stand next to him.

Nila's jaw dropped in shock and her friends tried hard to control themselves.

Alex: Well, she has got a great company.

Susan (laughs): I guess so.

Judith: Don't laugh. They are the 'outstanding' students of our class.

They continued to make fun of her. Nila and Sooraj gave each other a death stare and averted their faces in anger and disgust.


Hope you'll like the update. Don't forget to let me know in the comments.

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