12. It's the Will that Matters

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Same day, late afternoon

"Mr Gour, you were supposed to finish copying these documents by today. Why is it taking so long?

The manager of the publishing unit had gone mad and was yelling at Sooraj. He was helplessly listening to his taunts.

Sooraj: "Sorry sir, I had extra classes so I couldn't make it on time. If you give some time I'll..."

Manager: "As if this much time isn't enough for a copy work. There are lads who can copy two loads in just 4 hours!

His colleagues Jonathan and Eleanor were listening to the conversation from behind.

Jonathan: Another rough day for Sooraj. The manager seems too cranky today.

Eleanor: Yeah, poor him.

After going non stop for thirty minutes, the manager warned.

Manager: Tomorrow I want this work done or else you'll get fired. Am I clear?

Sooraj: Yes sir.

It was gonna be eight. Sooraj was busy working on the PC copying the documents. His mom had been calling him for a long time. As he worked, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Jonathan: It's already late dude, aren't you leaving?

Sooraj: Yeah before that I'll finish half of the work. Rest I can do tomorrow. You know him right? Last time he cut short quarter from my salary as I was one day late for submission. I don't want that to happen again.

Jonathan : Well its hard to manage work as well as studies in one hand I guess.

Sooraj: Yeah kinda

He offed the PC and took out his jacket. It was raining outside.

Sooraj: I'm leaving. See ya later.

Jonathan: Yeah bye

Sooraj walked down the road towards the bus stop. The rain was pouring down and showed no signs to stop. The chilling sensation felt soothing and calm to him. He took out his phone to find 15 missed calls. He freaked out.

Sooraj: Damn, 15 missed calls! Mom's gonna kill me today

He got on a bus and sat down. His mind was wandering elsewhere. Usually, he thought about his future. At the age of nineteen, he had to shoulder a huge responsibility. His life made him more tough and mature beyond his age.

He reached his apartment and rand the calling bell. His mom opened the door with a questioning face. He tried to smile and ease the situation.

Sooraj (cheers her): Hey mom! I'm back. What are you doing? God you look damn gorgeous. Did you hit any beauty parlour today?

Rani went irate and she hit him.

Rani: Gorgeous my foot! Where have you been you moron? I've told you to come straight  home after work. You were hanging around with your friends right? (Hits him harder)

Sooraj: No..no..listen mom..I didn't ..Ouch!.. please stop. I swear I was at work.

Rani: Don't lie again okay? Last time, you went to a night show with your friends and tried to enter inside with a spare key. Hard time for you, for I was present in the kitchen at that time.

Sooraj shuddered as he thought about the wholesome slap she gave him that night.

Sooraj: Don't remind me of that. Well, I swear in your name mom, I was indeed at work.

Rani: Then you could have answered my call at least. Why didn't you do that?

Sooraj: I put it on silent mode. The manager made it strict. I'm sorry mom. I swear I won't return late. Trust me

Rani finally gave up.

Rani: Fine. Now go to your room and freshen up. I'll get you dinner.

Sooraj entered his room and closed the door. Placing his bag aside, he removed his clothes, wrapped himself in a towel and went inside the bathroom. As he stood under the shower to freshen his body and mind, he realized another important thing

Sooraj mv: What about the elections?

At the same time, Roman Catholic Church, East Ham

Nila, along with her mom dad and two sisters was attending the usual holy mass. She was in a simple peach frock with a white coloured muffler on her head. The whole family was listening to the speech made by the chief priest.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated. It was Riya.

Riya's message: Hey, where are you? Did you talk to your parents?

Nila messaged back.

Nila: Not yet. I'm in a prayer meeting now. I'll let you know later.

Her mom caught her during the act and yelled at her.

Maya (in a low voice) What are you doing? Don't you know we are in the church? Stop playing with your phone!

Nila put her phone back inside

After the prayer, while they were heading back home in their car, She decided to break the news.

Nila: Dad! Mom! I've got something important to tell you. I've been chosen as a candidate for contesting in the university elections.

Joseph : Huh, really?

Reetha: What? Come again

Maya: You are contesting in the elections? For which post?

Nila: For the post of the head student!

Joseph: What is that?

Nila gave a brief account on the post of the head student. The power, authority and the responsibilities of the head student and his/her prominence in the entire department.

Reena (amazed) : That sounds cool. Better than being a class leader or prefect.

Nila (smiles proudly): Sure it is.

Maya: I'm afraid. The one who sleeps under the blanket for hours, lazy enough to leave her laundry undone , is gonna contest in the elections for the post of the head student. God knows what's gonna happen.

Others giggled to her sarcastic remark and Nila snorted in anger.

Nila: Mom! Stop comparing this with that! I'm better at other things like administration. It had been my long term goal to be in a post. What is your opinion dad?

Dad: It's your decision dear. If you want to contest, it's fine. Morever it's great to explore new things in life. You'll get to learn many things like canvassing and presentation. But remember, Along with the post, comes a great responsibility. You are in charge of a whole department if you win. If you are willing, you should participate. It's your will that matters.

Nila smiled on hearing her dad's words.

Nila: Thank you so much dad for supporting. I promise that I'll strive hard to get to the post.

Judy Jennifer

Hi friends. As there's a lot to tell, I'll be updating the chapters consecutively. I also thank my dear friend Alex for her ideas. Do read and support 🥰👍

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