50. Feeling of Guilt

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Next day, morning.

Min Su-Ah was checking out the daily register while Nila came inside the head student room with a hello. Her transparent rain coat was dripping wet.

Su-Ah: Annyong. Looks like you came by cycle today.

Nila: Yeah. It's been raining continuously for two days. Isn't it?

Su-Ah: How did you manage to drive through this heavy downpour. You could have taken a bus.

Nila: I got late today. Moreover I was out of funds. I need to recharge my card.

She went to put her raincoat on the hanger while a strange sight came before her eyes.

Sooraj's table was cleared out. His books, pen holder, power bank, name plate, charger, a framed piece of photograph of his mother and him...everything was missing. Even his locker was lying open and empty.

Nila: Where are his belongings?

Su-Ah: Seems like he came early and cleared out his desk.

Nila's head was in a whirl. She immediately went to his department. He was no where to be seen. Avinash and others hadn't reached yet.

She searched for him in every corner and finally found out, standing at the end of the corridor, looking at the rain. Bereft of his head student uniform,  he was in his brown coloured hoodie with a red t shirt inside. He looked like a normal student like others.

Nila: What are you doing here so early?

He turned back.

Sooraj(smiles): Oh, you're here. I just came early and no one was around. So I came and stood here

Nila: You cleared out your desk?

He let out a sigh.

Sooraj: Yeah I did. They asked me to do it at the earliest as the new head student was taking in charge today.

Her eyes became glassy with tears.

Nila: Seriously, aren't you feeling sad about it? I guess you're hiding the pain behind your smile. Aren't you?

Sooraj (laughs): No not at all. I came over it but it seems you're still holding onto that. Leave it Nila. I don't care about the post anymore. Moreover I'll have more free time than before. Managing studies, work and duties as a head student is really hectic. You know right?

Nila: Did you tell your mom about it?

Sooraj: Yeah somehow I did

Nila: What did she say then?

Sooraj: At first she got shocked and asked for the reason. I had to tell her everything.

Nila (shocked): You told her??

Sooraj: Well, I didn't say it was you. I told her that it was a girl from my class. She must have understood my intentions. She said it was okay and consoled me. I don't have to worry anything for I have her support now.

Tears started flowing out of her eyes and she wiped them off.

Sooraj: Why are you crying again? I told you no? This is not at all your fault. If you had told me to hit him, you could have said that you have a role in this , but this is a matter where I volunteered myself to go and hit him. You have nothing to do with this.

She stood beside him.

Nila: So, who's the next head student?

Sooraj: I heard that it will be Benjamin. He was the one who came to the second position during the elections. He's really a nice guy-Well mannered and studious. It was him who helped me with my projects often.

Nila: I can only view him as an upsurper of your post rather than a head student.

Sooraj: Hey, dont think like this Nila. He never did anything wrong. He's really a nice guy. You have to cooperate with him and work for these four months. Don't enter into another enmity like before.

Nila (sighs): Fine I won't.

The bell rang and the classes were about to begin.

Sooraj: I have classes this hour. We'll meet during lunch. Bye

Nila: Yeah bye.

During the third hour, at the conference hall..

All the head students were present inside the hall. They were seated in chairs. The director, the board members, and the HODs were sitting in front.

Director: So students. We have summoned this meeting inorder to introduce the new head student of the computer science department. You are all requested to work in coordinance with him.

There were faint whispers around. Nila could feel her heart getting filled with guilt. Pr. Amar was sitting in front, with a grave face like her.

Director: So I would like to call the new head student Benjamin to the front.

A boy with medium height, wearing round pair of glasses came to the front. The director affixed the badge on his uniform. All others clapped, except Nila.

During lunchtime..

Benjamin was trying to speak to everyone in the room. Many of them shook hands and congratulated him. Nila's eyes went towards the table where he used to sit. No one talked about him. It was as if he never existed.

Nila averted her face and tried to concentrate on her laptop. After familiarizing which others, he came towards Nila.

Benjamin: Hello. You must be the head student of Chemistry right?

Nila(in a grave tone): Yeah it's me.

Benjamin: Hai. I'm Benjamin-new head student in charge. Nice to meet you. Miss..?

He advanced his hand and she frowned. However, she unwillingly gave him a hand shake.

Nila:  Nila Catherine Joseph. You can call me Miss Joseph also.

Benjamin: Oh. okay Miss Joseph. Nice meeting you again

Nila mv: It is not at all a nice meeting. It's okay. Only for a span of four months. It will be over soon.

During the internal examination, at the computer lab.

The chemistry students were seated inside the lab, attending the exam. The computer science students were standing at each row, inorder to help them.

Rachel: Hey, this system stopped working? Can anybody help me?

Morgan: Don't worry. I'll help.

Nila was attending her exam in her PC while some error showed up.

Nila: Ah, I need help please..

Stuart: Coming!

Stuart was about to go to her side while Sooraj immediately showed up there.

Sooraj: You may go. I'll help her.

Stuart: Okay Sooraj.

Nila mv: Now what is he upto?

Sooraj: Okay tell me ma'am. What happened?

Nila(stammers): Uh..mm..look...it's showing error over here.

Sooraj: Oh, let me see.

He leaned close and tried to fix it. He was so close that she could feel his hot breath fanning against her neck. Blood rised up to her cheeks, making it crimson in hue.

Sooraj: It's done. You can attend the exam now.

Nila: Oh...that's good

Sooraj(smiles): Yeah. Call me if you have any problem.

Nila: Thank you so much.

As a reply, he planted a kiss on her left  cheek, making it more red. Her eyes went wide  and she looked at him. Riya noticed it from the side. She cupped her mouth in amazement

Riya: Gosh! What am I seeing? I'm getting goosebumps!

Nila closed her eyes, savouring the moment for a while and concentrated herself on the monitor screen again.


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