39.The Journey (part 2)

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Destination no:1

The museum

The students entered the museum in groups. The interiors of the museum were colossal and majestic. It contained the paintings of illustrous kings and queens of the Victorian and Elizabethan era. Statues and Art renowned artists like Da Vinci and Picasso also could be seen. Students were touring around place with a guide.

Guide: These are remnants of the first theatre in England. It was during the beginning of the nineteenth century, also known as the Elizabethan era. Renowned author like Shakespeare...

Alex (whispers):  Is this a tour or a frigging history class? Come on we are not Literature students, right?

Judith: Just hold on for sometime then we'll be out of here for good.

Alex: It's boring. I'm gonna find something interesting. (Goes from there)

Nila, Sooraj, Avinash, Riya and Marshall were looking at the various exhibits kept above.

Nila: This is GuttenBurg's Bible. The first printed book in English. The first dictionary is also printed by him.

Riya: Did you work here as a guide before? How come you know this much?

Nila (sighs): This is not my first time here. My dad used to come here for his research and sometimes, he took me along with him. His favorite past time is to roam around the museum or sit inside the library for hours. I used to get really really bored. God I just hate this place!

Riya and others laughed.

Avinash: Hey just look over there! (Takes Riya along with him)

Sooraj: Your dad is a very studious person I guess. All he talks is about philosophical things and he has a different view of life. I still remember having a conversation with him that day.

Nila: You are right. He's also a good teacher. Many of his ex students still send him messages and emails, thanking him for his guidance and support. Reena is an exact photocopy of him. She's calm, studious and introverted in nature (laughs)

Sooraj: What about you and Reethu?

Nila: We are the troublemakers of course!

The guide was showing the paintings around the gallery.

Sooraj: Enough of this. I'm getting really bored over here. Can we go outside and wait?

Nila: Bless your soul! For I was gonna say that. I don't wanna be here either

Sooraj: Let's go then.

Nila: Riya! Avinash we are going outside. We'll wait for you there. Bye

Riya: Okay

In the meanwhile

Guide: This is the painting of the fourth successor of queen...

Alex: Look, doesn't she look like kim kardashian? (Points at the painting)

Judith: Yeah kinda. The posture seems pretty matching. (giggles)

Michelle: How did they maintain that hourglass figure during those times? 

They were giggling and bantering till they noticed that all eyes were on them.

Pr. Amar: Maintain silence three of you! This is a museum.

Alex, Judith and Michelle: Sorry Sir.

Nila was sitting on a wooden bench in the garden near the museum. The garden seemed well maintained with all kinds of flowers and fig trees. Sooraj came beside her with two large cones of chocolate ice cream.

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