31.All Lives are Kinda Hard

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It was nearly lunch hour. Still the classes were going on. Sooraj tried to walk towards the head student office, balancing on the walls. He could feel his abdomen squeezing itself from within. Pain made it difficult to walk.

Sooraj: I can't take this anymore!!! This pain seems so...neverending.

After reaching the office, he lied down on the desk, clutching his belly. Morever he could feel his body temperature rise up. Sweat beads were cracking open on his forehead. The pain was increasing as every minute passed by.

Nila came to the office to find him groaning and moaning on the desk. She went to him.

Nila: Sooraj are you okay?

Sooraj: Aah. I feel like I'm dying over here. I'm loosing all my blood and I can't even breathe. Seems like someone has stabbed me in my stomach!

Nila: I can understand. Can I get you something?

Sooraj: I think I need to go to the hospital. I can't endure this anymore.

Nila: Trust me. Nobody goes to the hospital for this

Sooraj: Seriously? Then how do you guys endure this? Do you take any medications?

Nila: I don't take any medications either. It's a condition called dysmenorrhea and it's common during periods. Taking medications will cause side effects in the long run. However there are other remedies for it.

Sooraj: What are they?

Nila: Wait here. I'll be back.

Nila went to the nearby convenience store and bought a bar of chocolate, strawberry ice cream, cake and a can of mint soda. She went back and gave him all the savouries.

Sooraj (annoyed): What are these?

Nila (smiles): The remedy for period pain! Go on and have it.

Sooraj (snarls)  You have gone mad or what? Here I am groaning due to pain in my abdomen and all you think is  about food! How am I supposed to eat this?

Nila: Look, these are pain relievers. It's good to have something  sweet when you are having periods. It relieves your cramps. Trust me and have this ice cream.

Sooraj: Really?

Nila: I know my body okay? Go on, have it.

Sooraj mv: A girl's mind and body. Both are hard to understand.

He ate the ice cream and drank the can of mint soda.

Nila: How are you feeling now?

Sooraj: You were right! I feel a bit relieved now.

The bell rang and it was lunch time already

Nila: Do you wanna go home?

Sooraj: What?

Nila: You can go and rest for today. Rest is important during this time. Also you'll have mood swings and can not concentrate during classes. If you want, I can drop you home.

Sooraj: Yeah I want but I think I've stained my skirt.

Nila: Is it? Well, I have an overall in my locker over here. I left it here after the Christmas program and forgot to take it home. (Opens the locker and takes out the dress). Go and change. I'll be waiting for you at the entrance.

Nila waited  at the entrance while Sooraj changed his clothes and got out of the college, taking a menstrual leave. He stuffed the soiled clothes inside his bag and they both got out of the campus. He was having trouble walking all the way towards the road and he halted everytime.

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