47. In Your Arms Forever and Ever

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Next Monday morning...

The whole campus was busy with the entry of students. The classes were slowly getting filled. There was a rush of students at the college gate.

After a long absence, Sooraj came to the college like a freshman. He walked towards the head student room and marked his attendence. On seeing him, the students started whispering among themselves.

Look he's back again

Do you remember what he had done at that canteen, that day?

You should have seen. I never knew that he is so violent.

He ignored them and walked towards the class when he felt a sudden weight on his torso.

Avinash: Hey bro! You are back again!

Sooraj: Yeah. I missed you guys a lot.

Marshall: We also missed you. A lot happened when you were not there. Come, let's go to the canteen!

Sooraj: Uh...I'm not coming over there. Shall we go to the grounds?

Morgan: Why? The canteen is back to normal again after you had gone. The chairs, tables and glasses are back on their places again. Don't worry. (laughs)

Sooraj: I should have paid for the damages caused, before leaving.

Avinash: There were no serious damages after all. Then one more thing. Nila came back yesterday.

Sooraj fell silent for a moment.

Sooraj: Oh, how is she?

Avinash: She's okay but has become more silent nowadays. Also, she has changed her looks. See for yourself.

Sooraj: Please dont remind me of her. I don't want to hear anything from now on.

All of them exchanged looks of question.

Marshall: Why, is it because you told her?

Sooraj: I never wanted to tell her but it accidentally slipped out of my mouth. Now as she's aware of my feelings, she won't be able to continue as my friend and will keep her distance. Anyway it's okay. There's only four months left for our course to get completed. I'll eventually forget her as soon as I graduate from here. I'll come over somehow.

Avinash: Don't say like this. Just go and talk to her.

Sooraj: No I can't. I need to keep my distance.

Saying this, he walked towards the classroom. He ignored the looks of surprise on each faces and gossips which were being made about him by the students. All of a sudden, he stopped seeing a strange sight.

Nila was walking from the opposite direction. Her hair which was long and curly enough, was cut short upto her shoulder. Her left hand was tied up tightly using a bandage. Her eyes met his and both of them stood frozen for a second.

Sooraj started sweating and he could literally hear his heartbeats. He turn back and walked.

Nila: Hey wait.

He stopped and turn back.

Nila: Why were you trying to walk away? We are seeing each other after a long time. Why didn't you think of asking how my hand is?

Sooraj (stammers): I'm sorry I was in a rush. How are you doing?

Nila gave him a cold stare and Sooraj could feel his throat getting dry

Nila(in a grave tone): Come I have to talk to you.

Sooraj mv: I'm doomed.

Nila walked towards the library and took out her library card. He followed her.

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