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At the laboratory, St Xavier's college, Oxford.

Morning 10:30 am

Amongst wide varities of sophisticated, instruments, devices and machinery, the principal, HODs of all departments were having a serious discussion. The air was filled with tension. All faces seem apprehensive and all they could do was to sit and dither.

Professor Amaranth was sitting like a decriept wreck, burying his face in his arms and Professor Mary was trying to console him. He glanced at the broken sophisticated machine on which he had been working for the past 6 years.

Professor Amar: "Lord Parameshwara! what have I done! I ruined their lives in the name of experiment! I deserve no mercy!

Mary: Sir, Don't say like this. It's definitely not your fault. We never anticipated this to happen.

Amar: But still, fifty test runs, 6 years of hypothesis, hard work and mid night oil, And did this happen?

He lifted his head and looked at the empty cot. Upon seeing, he got up in shock

Pr Amar: Where is Sooraj?

Sooraj hid behind the test tubes and lab apparatuses. Heart pounded so loudly that he can literally hear it. Sweat beads were cracking open on his forehead and he is panting in tension. He took out his mobile which he managed to flick out and rang his friend Avinash

Avinash: Sooraj, where are you?

Sooraj: Avinash! I'm doomed! I'm stuck up in a weird condition! I don't know what to do! I lost my body!

Avinash was shocked to hear a girl's shrieks. He looked perplexed.

Avinash: Who are you? I don't get what you are saying

Sooraj: You dumb!!! Can't you understand? I lost my body!

Sooraj shouted and Avinash rubbed his temples.

Avinash: Hey you! Are you dumb or gone crazy? I don't know who you are!

Sooraj: Fool! I am..

Professor Amar: SOORAJ!!!

Sooraj turned back in shock and cut the call. Professor Amaranth and Professor Mary glared at him.

Sooraj: Sir...I was...I didn't know what to do. I was nervous...

Professor Amar: Have you gone mad! Aren't you aware of your present condition?

Sooraj: I....I am

He glanced at the large double sided mirror and stood rooted to the ground, unable to accept his present reality. He scaned himself from top to bottom in the mirror. Everything seemed surreal to him.

Professor Mary: We can sort out this issue somehow. Don't loose hope sooraj, Come...

He tried to walk normally, but suddenly became  aware of the fact that he was wearing high heels. He stumbled and fell down, hitting his nose on the floor...

Professor Amar and Mary: Oh no Sooraj! Are you okay?

As they helped him stand upright and walk, his eyes involuntarily went back to the large mirror.

Sooraj: Is this really happening? Or am I just dreaming??

Hi friends, this a prologue of the whole story for you to understand. Hope you'll like it. Please let me know in the comments. Thank you

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